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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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warrior custom blades?

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I was wondeing if warrior do custom blades because i use standard inno blades with the McCarty curve and i wanted to get some Ak27 blades but they don't come in the Robataille(McCarty clone) curve and i dont think the available curves are anywhere close to the Robataille(if im wrong about that please tell me!) I cant go to my LHS because im in the UK and they would'nt have a clue what im talking about, they've probably never heard of warrior :o


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If what youre saying is true, that Robitallie is the same as McCarty, then Easton Iginla is your answer, you dont have to hunt down custom blades. Wouldnt even be worth your time, instead, get Easton Iginla curves, they come in a variety of different blades too....tapered, cnt, st......have fun.


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The thing is i just love inno/warrior blades and i just cant seem to find a blade with the same performance and durability. :(

Having said that i may find some of the new tps blades that are just starting to come out quite good, if i can find the right curve.

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