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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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xbox 360

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Played my brother's a lot and decided to hold off on it till Halo comes out at best. I'm still going with the PS3, price tag or not, and the Wii.

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I bought one on release night and it froze up all the time on me. Sent it in for a refurbished unit and that ones been working well ever since. Call of Duty 2 is totally worth the price of the system. That game is flat out amazing.

But my wife and I do play an awful lot of Halo 2 on it... which makes my friends wonder why I even bought a $400 system if the old xbox still plays Halo 2 just fine. Ahh well... :D

NHL 2K6 is fun too!

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anyone have tiger wods 2006 for it? im thinking of getting it and wondering if anyone on here has played it

I have TW '06 and love it. The high def graphics on the 360 were made for this game. But the gamplay is a little different than the '04 version for Xbox (qualifying, pro shop items, etc.)

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anyone have tiger wods 2006 for it? im thinking of getting it and wondering if anyone on here has played it

I too have TW '06 and I didn't particularly care for it. Played it for maybe an hour, but since I didn't like the controls (quite different from TW '05, which btw I really liked) I put it way and haven't touched it since.

If you still really want to buy it, let me know and I'll make you a good deal on it.

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