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Vancouver Canucks Equipment sale

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Didn't see this posted, so I figured I would pass on the info.

Vancouver Canucks Equipment sale: June 10th, GM Place. Call for time.

I listen to the Team 1040am Sports radio online. The have been advertising the equipment sale everyday. http://www.team1040.ca/listen.php BTW, they have Ray Ferraro on everyday at 3pm PST, pretty good Hockey talk.

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Sweet I'm going to be riding through about that day, going back to the Island to work for the summer.

B_rad: Is there any way I can get in with you at 10AM?

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Gavin: as much as I would like too, it would be very difficult becuase I have to drive from Richmond, meet up with my relatives and somehow make it there in time after finishing my math class :wacko:

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i better get my ticket soon then... last year it was so unorganized, people without the ticket or there season ticket id card got in anyways

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Dude I'm sorry, anyone that has math class on Saturday... your life sucks so bad I don't want to cross your path until after you've let off your steam for the day anyways... lol

Do you need a ticket? Is there something I need to get before I ride out? I'll be coming across the praries all that week, and I need to know if I can just show up at the door.

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meh, try getting straight A's except for a C- in math... look I said I was sorry I couldnt get you in with me, bottom line is that you want in the sale, so then go get yourself in, its not my responsibility to help you get in an hour early. And no my life doesnt happen to suck either

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No sorry dude I didn't mean to rip on you, yeah that post sounds really harsh.

Hey I think it's sucky that I'm taking grad classes when it's late May and most of my buddies have been out of school for over a month. I was just being nihlistic, didn't want to sound mean.

And I'm not miffed at all that you can't get me in early, you don't know me from Adam and I wouldn't have such unrealistic expectations.

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down here in LA, we got in the sale early and picked up a head coach

ahhahha, rofl. Have fun with him, maybe if your lucky he'll get you past the second round :D just like he did for us canucks.... NOT :rolleyes:

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^^^ lol funny

You can take him, he's probably the only part of the Canucks that this fan never really liked. I was even behind Bure until the moment he got shipped. Go Canucks!!

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thank you very much! can't wait to pick up some kesler xxx lite's :D

you stay away from my sticks! :P

eheh. Anything right handed and I'll be happy B)

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down here in LA, we got in the sale early and picked up a head coach

lol Imagine the price tag:

Coach: Semi effective, cracks under pressure, entertaining postgame interviews, tends to whine a lot, Stanley Cup Champion

Price: Free

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thank you very much! can't wait to pick up some kesler xxx lite's :D

you stay away from my sticks! :P

eheh. Anything right handed and I'll be happy B)

Same Here

So, you have to call GM Place and they'll send you tickets? Is that right?

You Guys got any pictures of the Kesler XXX lite, or any other Canuck curves, preferabbly right handed?

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So, you have to call GM Place and they'll send you tickets? Is that right?

No i'm pretty sure you don't need tickets, you just go.

Oh kay, Is this what other people have heard or what? I really wanna go, and i would like to pick up 1 or 2 kessler XXX Lites,.

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yeah you can just show up.

I think the tickets thing was just for season ticket holders. basically anything to identify them as season ticket holders so they can get in early at 10am

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