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Pending Draft Legislation Targeted for Spring 2005

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That will never pass, the sponsors on that bill are some of the most liberal legislators in Congress. If the Bush adminstration is agreeing with this group of representitves then that would be the real news story,but its just not true. This is a case where misinformed liberal groups are trying to pin something on the Bush administration because most of their followers are willing to believe it. In fact the Bush administration is against a draft and the bill only has 14 cosponsors in the House. That means that it is in no way close to passing anytime soon. But it does make for a juicy issue to attack the President so thats why you are hearing about it. But if my country comes calling, I have no problem doing it.

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I second the veto. It will not pass, most if not all, conservative legislators would pass on it. And most moderate and middle of the road liberals would also pass on the bill. The idea of a draft is just liberal propaganda to try and sway anti war demonstrations.

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The idea of a draft is just liberal propaganda to try and sway anti war demonstrations.

Absolutely. It's laughable, it's a front bill designed to scare young voters and their parents. I'm quite impressed to see that some of the younger people can see through it. :)

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I'm not going to comment on the idea of it being leftist propaganda, but I will say that even the IDEA of a draft scares the crap out of me. I will be 18 in September, and I REALLY don't want to spend time in Iraq.

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The funny thing is, the US military is one of the biggest opponnents of the concept. Volunteers make the best soldiers.

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The funny thing is, the US military is one of the biggest opponnents of the concept. Volunteers make the best soldiers.

Good ol' Machiavelli would agree too.

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If they reinstated the draft, Canada's population would sky rocket.

But the bill says that Canada will not be an option to escape the draft. And on that you also would not be able to dodge the draft by going to college.

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Hmm. It could happen, maybe not. Depending on if we are still involved with this war on terrorism. However, if you have dual citizenship in Canada..would they send you back? I am a girl, just turned 18 in March. Pulling people out of thier college education and thier money's worth is wrong. This will be thrown out the window because these left-winged nuts get ansy about "Today's young people." All branches of the military are full to the brim. Nothing to worry about.

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