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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Blue lightspeeds

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Someone managed to get those clear tuuks for $30, bastards

Edit:...on second thoughts, why would he put the buy it now price at $30? He could have got way more for them

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why just the u of maine?? do other team have other color??

Anyways, is there a difference with tuuk holder and LS2?(or is it possible to put LS2 blade on other tuuk holder?)

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why just the u of maine?? do other team have other color??

Anyways, is there a difference with tuuk holder and LS2?(or is it possible to put LS2 blade on other tuuk holder?)

cobrAA, Tuuk is the brand that makes the holder. Tuuk makes lightspeed holders and lightspeed 2 holders, etc. And I'm not exactly sure but i think you can interchange the runners into both of the holders.

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a kid on my team last year had a pair of the blue Tuuk's on his grafs

he got them from his dad cause hes dad owns the Hockey Stop in Columbus, Ohio

and they were pro return

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why just the u of maine?? do other team have other color??

Anyways, is there a difference with tuuk holder and LS2?(or is it possible to put LS2 blade on other tuuk holder?)

cobrAA, Tuuk is the brand that makes the holder. Tuuk makes lightspeed holders and lightspeed 2 holders, etc. And I'm not exactly sure but i think you can interchange the runners into both of the holders.

you cant interchange

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LS2 steel fits into any lightspeed holder. It will not fit into custom+'s. The blue LS weren't made specifically for Maine, Gretzky had them at the Heritage Classic a few years ago I believe, and they were an option when I ordered my custom XXX's last year.

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Does anyone know how to paint/dye holders without risking the durability of the holders?

Theres this product called the SEARCH button. It works wonders.

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