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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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LHS has 2 prostock One 90's

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did they only have lh? no rh?

both LH Gagne's name on the name plate and pro stock printed on the underside of the shaft

I assume that the NBH rep got them back or never delivered them to the flyers and then "distributed" them to his stores. one neat thing about them is that the stick has lines on the shaft that tells you what the flex is when you cut it, pretty cool idea.

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did they only have lh? no rh?

both LH Gagne's name on the name plate and pro stock printed on the underside of the shaft

I assume that the NBH rep got them back or never delivered them to the flyers and then "distributed" them to his stores. one neat thing about them is that the stick has lines on the shaft that tells you what the flex is when you cut it, pretty cool idea.

powertek has that too, nothing new

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Gotta be Skate Zone in Voorhees. They've had pro stock Gagne sticks before. I wanna see it soo bad I think I may have to make a trip there soon.

Man I wish I had 189.99 and was a lefty :ph34r:

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Kind of OTS, but whatever happened to the Vapor XXXX. Will it come to or is it just a myth?

That was a joke. It would be XL anyways, no such thing as XXXX in Roman Numerals.

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Kind of OTS, but whatever happened to the Vapor XXXX.  Will it come to or is it just a myth?

That was a joke. It would be XL anyways, no such thing as XXXX in Roman Numerals.

I know that but are the Vapors soon to be a thing of the past and all the new stuff be under the One90 title?

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Gotta be Skate Zone in Voorhees. They've had pro stock Gagne sticks before. I wanna see it soo bad I think I may have to make a trip there soon.

Man I wish I had 189.99 and was a lefty :angry:

gotta be bc skatezone pennsaukin & vorheese has prostock carter xxx-lites.but they is shit load of money. jj gets lot of prostock sticks from Voorhees. bc they flyers practice outta there so it kinda makes sence.

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