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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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roller to ice

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so im moving from roller to ice for some stick and pucks and pick up and i bought some skates but dont kno what to get the skates sharpened like w/ the hollows and what not could some one give me a reccommendation or direct me to a thread that has one thanks

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I would say something pretty flat like 1/2" or 5/8" Coming from roller blades myself, I felt that anything with a bigger hollow had too much bite compared to my roller blades and could carely stand.

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Well usually half inch is standard in most places I believe. But yeah, say could I get the standard cut or could I get half-inch. That's what I say, haven't had a funny look yet :P

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dont want to sound dumb i already looked it at stick and puck today when i had to wear roller hockey pants, and obviously skills from roller dont really translate over to ice as i found out quickly today ;)

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dont want to sound dumb i already looked it at stick and puck today when i had to wear roller hockey pants, and obviously skills from roller dont really translate over to ice as i found out quickly today ;)

There are a few guys that go to the stick and puck where I go that wear the roller pants. Its not uncommon.

The rink I go to requires only gloves/helmet and stick for the stick and puck, full gear for kids under 14.

But a few of them want to wear shinpads, so just have shinpads on with rollerhockey pants

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I play outdoor alot and prefer a cut with alot of bite, i dont know exactly what it is but i ussually ask them if they go sharper then 3/8th and they say yeh so i say can i have that then.

I would say start with a 1/2 and work from there and decide what you like

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