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Fair Pay and Play

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In this corrupt world of high school hockey, all people want is fair ice play and pay. Now, our highschool has 3 teams. 2 varsity and 1 jv. I am on the jv team and all i can say is how mad it makes me when kids get 3x the amount of ice as the kids on my jv team do. Origionally, our highschool was supposed to only have 2 teams, but more less skilled kids came to play, which would have been cut but there were too many of them jsut to cut all of them, so our highschool formed our jv team. Now, in order for there to be a jv team, the more skilled players get to be double rostered on both varsity teams for the SAME FUKIN PRICE, while the jv kids pay the SAME PRICE but only play about 12 games while the double rostered ones get 24. Tell me that this is not fair, but the board of my school says that it is juse becuase if more skilled players werent double rostered, then our jv team with the less skilled players would not exist and would have been cut.

I think that it is bullshjt how they can jsut let this happen. Oh and btw the board all has kids on the varsity teams. All I can say is that I want to quit and join another team, but my only other option is playing AA travel hockey and i dont know if I could make it, if I didnt, then I dont know what I can play....

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So do you think you are being overcharged for your ice time, or that some other kids are getting ice time for less that what they should be paying. If it is the second case, who cares?

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yeh if they wernt getting double ice time you wouldn't be playing

from what i understand, I agree. If you are just on the JV team, and if those double rostered players were not playing on your team, then you wouldn't have a team period. If you have a better solution then bring it up to them, but from what you are telling me I don't see what your problem is.

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At least in our school, there was no "equal ice-time" for all players, so I don't really see why you are upset. If you want equal time, play houseleague. Hell even then some of the better kids get more games from call-ups and such.

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It's the standard "I could go out for Junior A but realize I might have to be a role player, or I could superstar in men's league." Make your decision, if you decide to get into competetive hockey, then you chose to get to play based upon how you play.

If you think you're being coached unfairly (like the coach is skating ONLY the guys who SUCK but their dad is on the school board) then you have a real problem. But I don't think that's you're problem. BTW do you have tryouts in September?

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I had a similiar situation in that I played on both Varsity and J.V teams. 2 teams for one price, I couldn't complain. :D

i did this in roller a few times!

i would sign up for my age, then convince them to let m play up!

i didnt pay for the 1 or 2 extra leagues i played in!

i wonder why roller hockey failed here?

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