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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Guest phillyfan

t'blade users

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Guest phillyfan

Have two questions for us t-blade users. First, have any of you switched back to regular runners? I was wondering because when I first used a pair, I had to change the way I skate a bit. Last night trying a pair of skates with regular runners, it felt very peculiar and uncomfortable for some reason. Curious to see if I am a freak...

Secondly, has anyone switched from M-13 to M-16? I want the blades to last longer and stay sharper. I figured getting a sharper blade from the start will do the trick. But don't want to waste $15 and not be able to use them. Is there a noticably big difference?


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Guest phillyfan

Yup, I'm a freak then...? Anyone able to help out with the second question?

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Guest phillyfan

Really? I have switched between M-13 and M-15, and the M=15 have seemed to last longer. Maybe it's a mind thing...

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I've had t'blades for about 2 1/2 months. I bought new skates and was forced to use regular blades for a game and absolutely hated it. I'm never going back to regular blades unless I get to try the PITCH from Mission.

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I think all of my blades have lasted about the same time unless I use them outdoor, that just kills them. I use M-11's and they lasted just as long as 13's and 15's. I like the 11's, btw is there anything lower than an 11 I dont think anyone around here carries it?

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I had t'blades for a little over a year when i tried on mission with tuuk holder. Well it wasn't something worth talking about. But a couple weeks ago i tried it again and it didn't feel too bad but i had to change my stride and crossovers felt a little funny. I have tried all differen't things with my t'blades and there's not too much difference in M-13 and M-16

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I like my T'blades, once I get a new pair of skates I'll try out the holders they come with and decide from there. I didn't really pay attention to holders before i got my T'blades. I notice a much better "glide" with the T'blades though. The different #'s aren't the sharpness they are the depth of the hollow and shouldn't have a bearing on how long the blades will stay "sharp" only how deep you cut into the ice.

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I like my T'blades, once I get a new pair of skates I'll try out the holders they come with and decide from there. I didn't really pay attention to holders before i got my T'blades. I notice a much better "glide" with the T'blades though. The different #'s aren't the sharpness they are the depth of the hollow and shouldn't have a bearing on how long the blades will stay "sharp" only how deep you cut into the ice.

But they will feel "sharper" if you have a deeper hollow so I guess you could say they would feel "sharper" longer couldnt you?

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when i switched back from t-blades it felt pretty weird too. theres more friction. however, after a few skates it was fine.

I had the same experience when I switched back to Tuuks. At first I felt very slow and akward, but after a while it was all good and then tried my t-blades again a couple of weeks ago and hated them.

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Guest 2048

Why'd all you guys switch from t'blades if you liked the glide so much?

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Secondly, has anyone switched from M-13 to M-16? I want the blades to last longer and stay sharper.

AFAIK there are no 16 hollows available on t'blades... 9, 11, 13, 15 and 18 is what they make.

You may IMO have the impression that a bigger hollow stay sharp longer due to the fact that a loss of sharpness on an 11 makes a bigger difference than a loss of sharpness on an (already less sharp when new) 15.

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IMO they suck, ive used em for a year and dont consider going back. I hate thew fact i hit the plastic and slip and there a pain in the ass to change, especially when your stabilizers dont fit properly. Im going to lightspeeds, no question about it.

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IMO they suck, ive used em for a year and dont consider going back. I hate thew fact i hit the plastic and slip and there a pain in the ass to change, especially when your stabilizers dont fit properly. Im going to lightspeeds, no question about it.

What trouble have you had changing them? I've gotten pretty good at it I can do it in 10 minutes now.

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t blades are usless unless you dont have a good skate sharpener around your area :D

You are becoming worse and worse by the minute.Why do you feel the need to drag up a 2 year old topic to post a pointless post.

and you just made it better in what way?

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Just from what I have heard/saw from others who have used t'blades.. you either love them or you hate them. I have found that there is no use arguing about it. If you want to see if you like them, try them.. Once you have formed an opinion on them, go tell oprah... she cares.

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i had t blades for about 2 years then as i got older and skating got harder they would break or get dull really easy so i tried out some lightspeeds on some XXs and it took a few saktes to get used to but once i did best chocie ever for me. :D

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