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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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vector pros or s500s

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i'm in need for some new skates. i'm coming off Vapor 10s, but as everyone is saying on this site the new vapors have no durability. so im contemplating between the vector pros or the s500s, leaning toward the vectors. i'm guessing the fit is different between these, but could anyone give me their preference of the two?

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The vectors will be much more like your Vapor 10s than the Missions. I prefer the S500s but they will feel a bit odd at first for you.

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i'm in need for some new skates. i'm coming off Vapor 10s, but as everyone is saying on this site the new vapors have no durability. so im contemplating between the vector pros or the s500s, leaning toward the vectors. i'm guessing the fit is different between these, but could anyone give me their preference of the two?


Guessing from your name you like Lostprophets. GOOD MAN!!

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The vectors will be much more like your Vapor 10s than the Missions. I prefer the S500s but they will feel a bit odd at first for you.

thats wierd. i thought the vectors would be very different. my first pair of skates were 352 tacks and it took me a hell of a while transitioning to the 10s (the footbed was flat and the 10s felt more narrow).

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Guessing from your name you like Lostprophets. GOOD MAN!!

lostprophets pwn all! :D new cd coming soon baby, hell yea!

Do you live in London/England? They have an autograph signing at HMV at Oxford Street from 4.30pm to 6pm. I'm definitely going!!

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The vectors will be much more like your Vapor 10s than the Missions. I prefer the S500s but they will feel a bit odd at first for you.

thats wierd. i thought the vectors would be very different. my first pair of skates were 352 tacks and it took me a hell of a while transitioning to the 10s (the footbed was flat and the 10s felt more narrow).

Vectors are closer to Vapors than Tacks are/were but they will be more similar in terms of stiffness. Mission S series skates are vvery different and to be honest I prefer the feel of the Missions. If you like the Vapors, you will most likely feel more comfortable in the vectors. Obviously trying them both on would give you the best indication.

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I would go with the Vectors because of the issue with the tearing of tendon guard on the Mission S 500. I also agree they are a closer fit to the Vapor 10 as well.

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The Newer Mission S500 dont have that material that rips on the tendon guard, I had S500 this season and loved them, only problem was that I went from a EE to a D, it wasn't that big of a problem but toes were just a little squished

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