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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My teams slumping, need to bitch!

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I play in a novice beer league and my team is on like an 8 game winless skid...( I blame the goalie!). Our goalie consistently lets the first 3-4 shots in and has a save percentage of .730 through 14 games. I on the other hand am only on my 2nd season of organized hockey and im thriving, leading the team with 6 goals, 5 assists. Those are pretty average numbers but the rest of the guys on my team have been playing over 20 years and I have a decent lead in points on them. I just got home from a game and we got a mudhole stomped in our ass... we lost 14-3! I had 2 unassisted goals, but it seems I can only get on the score sheet when we are getting our asses kicked.

Oh and let me rant for a second about A level players who play down in Novice!... WTF are these guys trying to prove? 2 weeks in a row against 2 different teams we had to face the same A level guy... Wow you can get 6 points a game and skate around the whole team... stroke that ego big guy! The teams are so stacked in our Novice league its rediculus. The top half of the league has like 10 wins 3 loses, and the bottom half of the teams are 3 wins, 10 loses. Tell me thats balanced! Move up a division you pansys! I told the A level guy at the end of the game that I better not see him next week! :ph34r:

Can anyone relate with this lol.

PS just thought I would mention my game really picked up as soon as I started wearing my 80-90s... coincidence!? I dont think so.

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Lol.. I know what you mean.. We have mid-level players on our college team who go to beginner drop-in. They have to feel all high and mighty against somebody I guess..

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K I agree wholeheartedly with you there GraverDigger, but you say that you can only get on the board when you're getting your butt kicked. That's not a sign of greatness (of course you're not claiming to be great).

I dunno what to say, you can't change your league and you probably can't fix your netminder situation. But do realize that unless you're getting KEY goals (to close the gap, tie the game, get on the scoreboard first) then really you can't say that you're contributing. It's the whole ''Langenbrunner is content to score big goals rather than put up big numbers.'' That

Langenbrunner15 has for his sig. In fact sometimes it is possible to have an MVP with lower than average stats. But all his stats came from clutch goals/assists.

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K I agree wholeheartedly with you there GraverDigger, but you say that you can only get on the board when you're getting your butt kicked. That's not a sign of greatness (of course you're not claiming to be great).

I dunno what to say, you can't change your league and you probably can't fix your netminder situation. But do realize that unless you're getting KEY goals (to close the gap, tie the game, get on the scoreboard first) then really you can't say that you're contributing. It's the whole ''Langenbrunner is content to score big goals rather than put up big numbers.'' That

Langenbrunner15 has for his sig. In fact sometimes it is possible to have an MVP with lower than average stats. But all his stats came from clutch goals/assists.

That is such a good quote Gavin, I agree with you 100% about that contributing to the team line, that you said

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The games we have played lately havnt even been close, we have only won 3 games but I do have 1 game winner. Believe me I would much rather contribute to a winning team than win the booby prize for having the most points on a losing team. I scored last game with 5 minutes left in the game and we pulled within 1 goal of tieing, but for every good thing we do our goalie lets in a soft goal. Im pretty new to ice hockey and I just enjoy learning new things on the ice, but I wish we could win to!

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Team attitude and morale is a big deal, even in novice rec leagues. It can be hard to stay positive and have fun when getting shelled, but if you can do that as a team, things will turn around. I see it with my team all the time. We take our fair share of beatings, but we always have fun. Always laughing in the locker-room after the game, or at the bar afterwards. If people are having fun, they won't worry about getting bitched at for mistakes, and will likely play harder.

Ranting about it online can also be good (for you), if it means that you're getting your frustrations off your chest here, rather than at your teammates. Everyone needs to vent; finding the best outlet is key.

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It sounds like you're contributing, if you've got a game winner. Just have fun! Develop your own skills. You learn better when faced with a challenge.

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They guys on my team have been playing for awhile and keep the atmosphere pretty lite... however things have turned pretty sour towrds our goalie. They talk behind his back and no one has any faith in him. The captain is the only one behind him but thats his job I guess. I suggested roatating him with another guy every other week.

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Did he perform well before? Goalies are a strange bread (sorry guys but it's true). He may be in a mental slump right now.

How many shots a game is the goalie taking and is he taking alot of shots from good scoring angles? If he is getting pounded like a $10.00 hooker maybe he has lost confidence in his defense.

You talked about getting blown out, that means that your offense is not scoring. He might be thinking what difference does it make if the score is 10-3 or 9-3. He could be thinking why should I kill myself in the net if no one else is trying hard.

Or maybe he justs sucks.

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well take last nite as an example... 4 shots... 4 goals... and that was the first 5 minutes. Hes just bad... thats all there is to it. Last nite we were outshot 22-33 and the score was 14-3. after about 8 goals (during the 2nd period) he actually attacked an opposing player! He said they were taking runs at him, but they def were not. When the ref asked who was going to the box for his roughing penalty everyone yelled for HIM to sit in the box. The refs just looked at eachother and were like "I dont think a Goalie can serve his own penalty." His confidence is shot.

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Its novice for everyone, not everyone can strap on goalie pads and play like Patrick Roy. How long has he been playing goalie? Sometimes you have to suffer through a few sucky seasons until your goalie catches up. YOu could also ask him if he'd rather play out since it doesn't look like he's having fun out there, or you could ask what would make it more fun for him? The key is fun in a rec league especially a novice one.

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Did he perform well before? Goalies are a strange bread (sorry guys but it's true). He may be in a mental slump right now.

How many shots a game is the goalie taking and is he taking alot of shots from good scoring angles? If he is getting pounded like a $10.00 hooker maybe he has lost confidence in his defense.

You talked about getting blown out, that means that your offense is not scoring. He might be thinking what difference does it make if the score is 10-3 or 9-3. He could be thinking why should I kill myself in the net if no one else is trying hard.

Or maybe he justs sucks.

Having been a goaltender in both Beer leagues and Competetive play I will throw a couple things out

1. A goalie is only as good as the team in FRONT of him!

2. Does he have any confidence in the team in FRONT of him?

3. Yes he is the last line of defense but where are the other 5 players on the TEAM-the puck carrier had to get through them to get to him!

If he is getting shellshocked with 40 shot per game its hard to stay upbeat. :blink:

I knew when I got so frustrated in a game that I got into a fight as a goalie that it was time to get out of the net. You pay too much cash to play to be frustrated and not get any enjoyment out of it.

Stroke his ego a bit -try to build him up in his head if you can-

The team talking shit behind his back is wrong though-if that is occuring it is NOT a team and nothing positive will come from it-

Put somebody who is talking shit about him in the pads and let them play a game or two, let them discover that it is hard work and can be a mind f@#k at times.

If you guys have his back no matter what it will build his confidence and game more than 6 shutouts will.

Thats part of being a TEAM

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warm him up really good. make 2 lines on different sides. alternate sides shooting, so he will be moving back and forth.

also shoot at his pads. builds him up in warmups.

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Look you need at be best buddies with your goalie. I'm a Dman and I'm best buddies with our goalie, go for burgers with him and his wife etc. And when he lets in a couple soft ones (they all do eh?) we just stick in our backup and make sure we give him some good words on the bench before sending him out.

And you need to make him trust you. Next time a guy goes for a rebound off of your goalie, put him on his arse! Don't let anyone get near your goalie! Take a couple penalties. About 50% of my penalty minutes are because I was protecting/standing up for me goalie. And that pays dividends in confidence.

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Look you need at be best buddies with your goalie. I'm a Dman and I'm best buddies with our goalie, go for burgers with him and his wife etc. And when he lets in a couple soft ones (they all do eh?) we just stick in our backup and make sure we give him some good words on the bench before sending him out.

And you need to make him trust you. Next time a guy goes for a rebound off of your goalie, put him on his arse! Don't let anyone get near your goalie! Take a couple penalties. About 50% of my penalty minutes are because I was protecting/standing up for me goalie. And that pays dividends in confidence.


I think that everybody on the line should act as a team.. but you need to have an almost psychic connection with your goalie.. You need to know what he is thinking and what he is going to do..

This will make a huge difference in your backline..

Added: something that I found works great.. REMEMBER TO COMPLIMENT YOUR GOALIE! After becoming close friends with one of our team's goals I found quick that they dont get much credit for the nice saves, but get reamed for the ones that sqeek through.

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All good stuff above, except one thing: He doesnt take warmups... he straps the pads on, wonder towards the crease , we hurredly try to get a shot on him before he wanders away lol. he seriously wont take more than 2 shots in a warm up. no wonder he isnt ready when the first couple real shots come in. I should have mentioned this guy is in his mid 40's (ATLEAST) and is very slow and fat lol.

Our record last season was 9-8-3

This season 3-9-1


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I skated with them for a season when I moved back to Harrisburg a few years ago. Our team is splitting up and it looks like we may be in B next season. I'll see if I can draw an assignment to ref one of your games before the end of the season.

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All good stuff above, except one thing: He doesnt take warmups... he straps the pads on, wonder towards the crease , we hurredly try to get a shot on him before he wanders away lol. he seriously wont take more than 2 shots in a warm up. no wonder he isnt ready when the first couple real shots come in. I should have mentioned this guy is in his mid 40's (ATLEAST) and is very slow and fat lol.

Our record last season was 9-8-3

This season 3-9-1



Your hosed then-

He will only get out of it what he puts into it!

Garbage in = Garbage out

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Joe's the type of goalie that kills me. I need to have the goalie moving to open up holes for the puck. Then again, I don't score on a shooter tutor either.

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Um i looked at your site and... there are women on that team.

This is going to sound REALLY sexist, but if there are that many women on your team, then it CANNOT be that competetive. I think Ti-girl would agree with me on this one eh.

If that's the case, why would you be so concerned about your record? Usually when I get asked to play a couple games for a team at ABOUT a beer league level (although actually the men's leagues are pretty competetive around here, I know of maybe 2 college girls that can kinda NOT hang in them) then I don't give a rip if we get a goalie who lets a few in, or if we get some freak from Canadian Junior A who stands on his head to get a shutout.

I'm not saying I don't try hard, but I sure am NOT going to say BOO even if someone else on the team is fscking up my "shot" at pulling out a win.

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I don't think you need to complain about the one A level player. Most people do novice levels to develop their skills like me. But it is one thing to develop skills and just show off. It is crappy that he just goes and gets points. For me if it needs to be done then ill do it if not i just practice my skills. Basically this guys a jerk-showoff.

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