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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Who has Sirius?

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I am not saying Howie hasnt been big for them. Having him on your network is obviosuly going to drive subs, thats just good business (paying him 100mill isnt). But he has a fraction of the audience that OA have on satillite, and now with them being on terestrial, they have an even bigger audience. They do 6 hours a day for 5 days - 30 hours per week. Stern does what, 5 hours live per day? for 4 days, so thats 20 hours. Im not saying who is better because thats obviously an opinion, but I just dont think he is funny, at all.

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I guess just personal preference like anything.

I am enjoying not being a slave to commericals though. Whether it's Sirius or XM...

Regular radio now totally sucks.

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i had XM for 3 months cuase it was free. i liked it a little, but the "no commercials" is a complete lie on XM. it was worse than norml radio. I like my FM radio a lot better than XM.

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what channels are you listening to? All the music channels are commercial free. Channels that are simulcasting terestrial shows will obviously have commercials.

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what channels are you listening to? All the music channels are commercial free. Channels that are simulcasting terestrial shows will obviously have commercials.

i was listening to ESPN radio a lot, but fred and the rock stations. maybe they just played crappy songs so i thought it was commercials

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Yeahhh, i dont listen to the music channels, I have an ipod... but MAN, that must have been some BAD music if you thought they were commercials... HAHAHAH, oh gee golly grief.

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Yeahhh, i dont listen to the music channels, I have an ipod... but MAN, that must have been some BAD music if you thought they were commercials... HAHAHAH, oh gee golly grief.

i have an an ipod and love it. nothin can beat the black 30 gig besides a black 60 gig :lol:

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Well my wife was looking at my like I was insane last night b/c I was in tears over this.

It's just that I am a total juvenile.

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The company I work for owns Sirius Canada, but sadly...no employee discount. I'd get it for Stern. But not at full pop. Just another montly bill I don't need.

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I have had it in my car for a long time now. My favorite stations are Shade 45 and Alt Nation. It's basically the same 40 songs over and over again, like most FM stations, but most are uncut and commercial free. The All Out Show on Shade 45 is hilarious and I enjoy listening to Madison on Alt Nation. I catch some good stuff on Rawdog Comedy from time to time. I don't have OLN so I'd catch myself sitting in my driveway for a few extra minutes listening to an NHL game or two.

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searching for something else and stumbled across this topic. I got mine a couple months ago and very happy with it. I only listen to a few channels for the most part, but I can't get anything like that from the local radio stations. It probably helps that I got a couple months, the radio and the car kit for free. I dropped the extra $20 for the home kit and I listen to it all the time when I'm home. It beats the hell out of daytime TV.

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searching for something else and stumbled across this topic. I got mine a couple months ago and very happy with it. I only listen to a few channels for the most part, but I can't get anything like that from the local radio stations. It probably helps that I got a couple months, the radio and the car kit for free. I dropped the extra $20 for the home kit and I listen to it all the time when I'm home. It beats the hell out of daytime TV.

Agreed. Now especially since you can get MLB, NFL, NHL, and Stern all in one place. Best investment I ever made, and that INCLUDES an engagement ring!

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i had XM for 3 months cuase it was free. i liked it a little, but the "no commercials" is a complete lie on XM. it was worse than norml radio. I like my FM radio a lot better than XM.

I agree. Took mine out of my truck, useless. My dad can have it i guess, id rather have an ipod dock or something

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i had XM for 3 months cuase it was free. i liked it a little, but the "no commercials" is a complete lie on XM. it was worse than norml radio. I like my FM radio a lot better than XM.

I agree. Took mine out of my truck, useless. My dad can have it i guess, id rather have an ipod dock or something

iPods are killing the music industry. Not because of pirating but because people are being exposed to less new music. That's why the vast majority of "artists" that are selling large numbers are all "formula" music.

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I've had Sirius for about 2 years now and I haven't looked back. Listening to Jason ellis on faction for 4 hours a day is worth every penny of it alone and i'm just starting to get into Howard after hearing ellis on him. If anybody hasn't heard of it check it out on sirius 28 xm 52, it's on from 2-6 Central.

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I am sooo missing my Sirius right now. My Jeep got totalled and I'm temporarily driving a car with no MP3 plugin... ughhh I never realized how annoying regular radio is until now. Sirius is still radio in the fact that they overplay songs but at least you have a wide variety of music to choose from. We have no Alt station in town and I am reallllly missing AltNation & SiriusXMU.

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