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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tongue Material

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i was using a pair of amp 2's last year, and towards the end of the season, whenver i wore the skate for more than 1 hour, the tongue would being to chafe my lower shin (i put hte tongue under my shin pad, it doesn't feel right any other way). I noticed the felt was getting hard and getting rough. After buying 8090's and using them about 8 times, i noticed the tongue developing the same problem, does anyone have a suggestion for a solution to this problem?

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On my 8090 i had a similar problem. THe sides of the tounge would chaff my ankle. I just put a layer of tape around the side of the tounge. You might try putting a cloth layer over the back of ur tounge or something to be bewtween you and the part that is irritating you.

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i dunno if the tongues are felt or not, but a kid on my team would cut all the excess felt off from the tongues on his grafs. he did it with his quest 1's too. he just would cut all around the leather to get rid of the felt that was ther to stop them from itching him

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