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Getty Images

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Just wondering how some of you guys get full size (1024x768 or better) images from Getty. The ones that I find on their site have the writing on them and are small. Do you have to be a member? Is the membership free?

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It's an image bank designed to service professional media outlets. You have to pay for the rights to use the images...anywhere.

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So how is it that people put direct links up here for larger images then? I can only view smaller images with "getty images" printed across the front of them.

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Or the NHL Gallery pictures are taken from there, with permission from GettyImages. Being you see this after a lot of the pictures

Photographer Name/Getty Images

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...or just click on our own NHL Gallery and click 1024x768.

I was telling how to get pics at Sportsline in general. Can get other sports too. But yeah if you want just NHL pics use NHL Gallery of this site. :P

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