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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New shinguards

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Not to change the subject but are jofa/rbk shinguards a bit shorter then other companies?

I can't say for sure, but for me, i wore a 15" in Mission (M-2), and i a 14" for RBK 6K. I've never compared them though.

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I have the 7k's, some ppl say they are bulky, but that doesn't bother me at all.. I've never had a problem w/ the bulk, if anything, when I fall to my knees I can pop up quicker w/ them cuz they are more solid than my old Bauer 2000's..

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Ok off topic here but I have a prob with shins. when skating without my shins, my skates feel snug and nice( maybe I like the top eyelets snug) but when I have shins on, Its impossible to get the top eyelets snug and I can feel my skates becoming loose. ( I was not sized wrongly) is there anywhere I can get the top snug and still have shins?

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I just picked up a pair of RBK 6Ks myself.

I'm still getting adjusted to them since I switched from some 14" lower end Jofas that I've been wearing since I started playing 10+ years ago; I can't even tell what model they are since everything has worn off them. I also went up a size in the 6Ks to 15" since according to the sizing guide that's what I should have been wearing all along.

The pads are bulkier but there's definitely way more protection there and I don't really notice any difference in weight. The straps were very snug too and there were plenty of them but I've gotten used to tape after all these years so I ended up just taking them off.

The biggest difference between the 6Ks and most other pads is the Fit-Lite system that "floats" the pad off your shins using the two hammock-like straps. I wasn't sure about how this would work out but it sounded interesting and ePuck had a good price on the 6Ks so I decided give them a try. It's actually quite comfortable so I don't notice much of a difference once the pucks drops.

My only complaint so far is that my pants tend to get caught on the top of the guards once in a while. But this happened with my old shins too depending on which socks I was wearing. I've got some new pants on the way anyways so hopefully this will go away.

Overall, I'm very satisfied with the pads and since they're Jofa/RBK I'd expect to get another 10+ years out of them.

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Ok off topic here but I have a prob with shins. when skating without my shins, my skates feel snug and nice( maybe I like the top eyelets snug) but when I have shins on, Its impossible to get the top eyelets snug and I can feel my skates becoming loose. ( I was not sized wrongly) is there anywhere I can get the top snug and still have shins?

try wearing your shinguards over your skates, that way you can tie your skates first.

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I have worn the Nike V12 and RBK 8K pads and I would put them like this...

If you are going to wear your skates under your pads then the Nike V-series is not for you. The lower part of the pad is so narrow that I lost a lot of lower leg mobility. The pad fits very snug with not much wiggle room. I did like the shock dampener on the knee cap of the V-series pads though. Also, the Nikes seemed to press against my shins in different places that did not make me comfortable at all. They were too restrictive for me.

The RBK/Jofa series has a much more open design. I found the lower portion of the pad allowed for me to stuff my skates under my pads much easier than the Nikes. I also like the RBK liner a little better as it did not seem to hold as much moisture as the Nikes. I feel the RBKs have a lot more mobility and room over the Nikes.

I still have my Nikes but I am going to be using my RBKs as my regular pads. It's all just a personal preference thing. If you can try them both on before you buy then I would recommend doing so. They are completely different as far as fit and feel.

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Not to change the subject but are jofa/rbk shinguards a bit shorter then other companies?

I can't say for sure, but for me, i wore a 15" in Mission (M-2), and i a 14" for RBK 6K. I've never compared them though.

It may be the way that I'm wearing them. Outside my skate not in. I use to wear some Franklins 15" on the inside of my skates and they were fine. Now I wear my RBK's on the outside of my skates and they seem about 1" -1/2" to short. Or maybe it's the skate I wear (Graf 705). Any suggestions?

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It may be the way that I'm wearing them. Outside my skate not in. I use to wear some Franklins 15" on the inside of my skates and they were fine. Now I wear my RBK's on the outside of my skates and they seem about 1" -1/2" to short. Or maybe it's the skate I wear (Graf 705). Any suggestions?

Did you skate in the Grafs with the franklin shinpads? If the new shinpads seems shorter it could be that you're wearing them outside the tongue and that the 705s are lower cut than a lot of skates. Though it seems more and more skates are lower at the top eyelet like the 705s are.

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It may be the way that I'm wearing them. Outside my skate not in. I use to wear some Franklins 15" on the inside of my skates and they were fine. Now I wear my RBK's on the outside of my skates and they seem about 1" -1/2" to short. Or maybe it's the skate I wear (Graf 705). Any suggestions?

Did you skate in the Grafs with the franklin shinpads? If the new shinpads seems shorter it could be that you're wearing them outside the tongue and that the 705s are lower cut than a lot of skates. Though it seems more and more skates are lower at the top eyelet like the 705s are.

Yes I did wear the Grafs with the Franklins but I wore the franklins inside not out. I do prefer my shins outside though. Thanks

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