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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jim A

Red Bull Corporate

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Interested to find out if anyone has any first hand dealings with Red Bull or contacts who were Field Marketing Manager's (not Mobile Energy Team/Team Manager)

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yeah, but monster BLOWS. Red Bulls gots balls... BIG bull balls... and there all red... its sick

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yeah, but monster BLOWS.  Red Bulls gots balls... BIG bull balls... and there all red... its sick

how would you know??? :P

Remember, he wears Gucci shoes. That should answer your question.

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yeah, but monster BLOWS.  Red Bulls gots balls... BIG bull balls... and there all red... its sick

how would you know??? :P

Remember, he wears Gucci shoes. That should answer your question.

HAHA thats funny.

Would you like some ice with those burns?

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Don't go dissing Monster!!! :o That stuff rulesssss.

My friend is talking to them about picking up a sponsorship with them for his paintball team and dropping his other sponsorship, Liquid Ice.

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Don't go dissing gucci shoes! But in reply to the original question, I will talk to my mom to see if she has any contacts. She was one of the advertising people for their advertising in Canada, so she might have some still.

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