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New Camo Easton Gloves

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What does anyone think of them ?

At first glance they looked cool , when I put them on they seemed kinda out of shape ?

Quite expensive for a non leather glove with a screened on logo

159.00 Canadain

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it is an ugly camo pattern to begin with. it is way too dark and too much green and not enough tan. friends don't let friends wear these.

hockey camo = black tape to hide the puck

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it is an ugly camo pattern to begin with. it is way too dark and too much green and not enough tan. friends don't let friends wear these.

hockey camo = black tape to hide the puck

i never thought i would agree with you after your '8 year old beating up kid scam' but here i am. :ph34r:

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At least half a dozen manufacturers had camo products at the trade show, evidently the same consultant told them camo was the new pink.

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At least half a dozen manufacturers had camo products at the trade show, evidently the same consultant told them camo was the new pink.

its too bad Camo isnt the "in" thing anymore either, at least around here it isnt.

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I know plenty of people in the army and marines and they never wear camo unless they have to. They wear shirts with army and marine written on them but never camo.

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NO! Camo is uuuugly! :P

Come on already enogh with the Camo!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! You'd think these guys could be a bit more innovative with what they get paid!!!

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NO! Camo is uuuugly! :P

Come on already enogh with the Camo!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! You'd think these guys could be a bit more innovative with what they get paid!!!

they get paid to play hockey. not look like idiots and wear camo.

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NO! Camo is uuuugly! :P

Come on already enogh with the Camo!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! You'd think these guys could be a bit more innovative with what they get paid!!!

they get paid to play hockey. not look like idiots and wear camo.

the already look like idiots, wearing puke green

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NO! Camo is uuuugly! :P

Come on already enogh with the Camo!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! You'd think these guys could be a bit more innovative with what they get paid!!!

they get paid to play hockey. not look like idiots and wear camo.

the already look like idiots, wearing puke green

maybe so but team rules so like it or lump it. what a2rhino is meaning they should be more innovative, theyre hockey players not models

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NO! Camo is uuuugly! :P

Come on already enogh with the Camo!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! You'd think these guys could be a bit more innovative with what they get paid!!!

they get paid to play hockey. not look like idiots and wear camo.

the already look like idiots, wearing puke green

maybe so but team rules so like it or lump it. what a2rhino is meaning they should be more innovative, theyre hockey players not models

Yes they are Hockey players Not models. Would Mario or Wayne wear these colors? I dont think so! Even though I'm sure someone will type something along the lines of; If they were $$$ enogh they would. So there, I beat you to it.

These designers and engineers of these companies need to get with the program and be more innovative then Camo. I consider that sort of thing a lack of imagination.

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