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leather versus nylon pro stock gloves

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after researching this question on the board I was wondering if anyone could tell me if leather is more durable than nylon when it comes to gloves.

I see that it is a matter of opinion but was wondering if there is actuall fact when it comes to this question.

Thanks in advance to anybody that responds.

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yes, leather is more durable. But it is a bit heavier (if the few grams of difference really matter to you).

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The biggest difference is a nylon glove with a light color will end up looking a lot worse from dirt and wear. I've worn both and there isn't a huge difference in weight or durability with either material.

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It has been my experience that nylon is more durable, drys faster, and breaks in easier. I have not noticed much of a difference in weight between my nylon and leather gloves.

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i have vapor xxx pro stocks... the nylon is really thick.

however i would rather have leather because you can clean it and it does not slice right through when you cut it, it just scratches.

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yeah... the guys in the show dont often use worn out gloves, sticks, skates, so you dont really see the worn out nylon but a few guys in our league has them and they're worn out and it does look quite 'trampy'.

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I've had both leather and nylon easton pro models. Neither have ripped on me(yet), but I prefer the nylon by far. Not only because of the weight but I find them to be much more mobile and easy to break in.

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My leather pro stocks just came in... the plastic inserts seem like they make eventually rip thru the leather, I would think this would happen sooner with nylon

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Actually the I've had 3 gloves with plastic inserts 2 were nylon, one was leather, and the only pair they ripped through was with the leather ones. I like nylon much better, easier to break in, doesnt scuff as easily, dries out quickly.

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once you go nylon you won't want to go back. IMO they have a much better feel, and easy break in time, they stay dry.

hey man thats my quote... :D

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o.k. I'll give you full credit ;) . it's true, once I put a good set of nylon gloves on (Easton Z-air, Bauer 5000), my leather gloves went into storage (Bauer LBDP) and probably for good.

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