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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Boot Dryers

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I heard both sides of this one.

Some, like Graf, say boot driers are a good idea for skates. They get the moisture out of the boot. Others say the constant exposure to heat inside the boot prematurely breaks down the boot.

Which one is it? I'm particularly interested in how a boot dryer will do with the One90s that my son will soon be getting.



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IMHO a boot dryer is not a bad idea. A good boot dryer does not pump out alot of heat, just warm air so there isn't alot of exposure to a high temperature.

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I think a fan would do as good of a job, not as quick but just as thorough, and you wouldn't have to worry about damaging the boots.

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I dont think it would damage the boot, but if any it would only be minor slight increase in breakdown speed(I'm thinking a couple weeks)

I just take my insoles out and leave my skates overnight and they seem fine

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Most of the boot dryers do not put out heat, rather just warm air. Real heat is not good for the boot, warm air is fine. In fact, it is more detrimental to let the sweat soak in the skate and eat away at it, than it is to dry it with warm air. Hanging a skate on a rack does not dry it, air cool or warm should be blown into the toe area.

My preferance is the Dry-Guy. It's a 4-pole dryer that can blow warm or cool air. Great for skates and gloves, which can NOT be dried any other way other than by blowing in into them.

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