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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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All Torhs Team

Torhs Tournys

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Ok now even though my nickname here is All Torhs Team, lets put it aside.

My roller team only goes to Torhs tournys cause our coach is such good friends with the torhs guys and the refs. But this season the last four tournys theyve gave us just horrible schedules. We are the 16u age and know we will be playing later then the little kids, but theres gota be a line somewhere.

How can they explain giving us a midnight game. then a 24 hour break to play at midnight the next day and a double header to play at 12:30. We talked to the Torhs shedulers and they wouldnt budge. We are gona start going to Narches more now.

Guess I just wanted to get it off my chest and Im pretty much speaking for the rest of my team. Anyone else get these horrible shedules?

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My team has gone to a few Torhs tournaments and we were also dissapointed by the game times. I guess you just have to get used to the way they treat their topdogs like TMD. Torhs will always please TMD's game times because TMD has so many teams in each age. If you dont like how they treat you, go to Narch or AAU or Usars.

It is kind of funny how your name is All Torhs Team and you bash on Torhs. Maybe you should consider changing it B)

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Its not terrible, believe me. Ive played in games in tourneys at 1:30 or 2 and I play 16u. Its hockey, I dont really care as long as i get to play

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scheduling is an art, Melton was the worst at that ...and well TORHS has taken their niche in the tournament world, at least Todd was involved with the sport for years and not just in it because of the dollar signs..

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half the time it has nothing to do with the actual tournament directors. I know the torhs tournaments by me the rinks i believe have a computer do the schedule. Usuall its a hassel either way so they dont like to switch the schedule unless theres a crazy reason.. it is tough to give everyone what they want though

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all the NARCh schedules, including FINALS are done by hand..only way to do it unfortunately with trying to seed teams, keep teams from playing a bunch from their own area etc..of course Tour Wolfpack wound up playing like 3 or 4 teams last year from MI on their way to the PW Plat Championship Game..but ..in the end seeding wins out over geography

also..NARCh doesn't ever accept requests...smart enough to not schedule teams with the same coach on different rinks at the same time..but still no requests..

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right.. you would think they wouldnt give you a midnight game and then a 24hr break. Its tough. Sometimes you get lucky sometimes you dont. Narchs schedules are always amazing. No questions asked. For instance... your not gonna come from cali to nationals to play cali teams. Usually they try to schedule around that to give you outside competition.. hence the name nationals. the people at narch and everyone involved are high class and make everyone happy. very excited for toronto

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All torhs team...u need to quit ur bitchin...just be glad that u actually can play hockey, i wouldnt mind it if i had to play at 430 in the morning because its the game that i love.....u should love to play it no matter what the conditions are.

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All torhs team...u need to quit ur bitchin...just be glad that u actually can play hockey, i wouldnt mind it if i had to play at 430 in the morning because its the game that i love.....u should love to play it no matter what the conditions are.

O hell yea I LOVE to play and wouldnt give it up for the world, but remember that you and me are 16!

Our parents come to every game and stay with us every weekend and give up THEIR time. They have to sit around all day with us and then they do nothin.

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a good schedule goes a long way you have to think ahead if you are having people playing at midnight mostly ..should try and avoid an 8AM playoff game on that Sunday or keep them around too long ..its a balance..you want to play hockey..but don't want to have to spend extra $ on hotel rooms, .losing time off from work etc to play one game on a Fri and then not play for all purposes on Sat..

CSW-NARCh is FINALS..not nationals..lol...

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I cant wait for Toronto...its gonna be effing crazy...Hockey, Canada, Beer, and Gentlemens Clubs....sounds like a good weekend to me.

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Kovs that doesn't get announced til during FINALS this year...need to get through this season first!! Unfortunately I am out of the loop on most of that this year....

The Frenchies had some players last year, uni's are cool too!...they have had 1-2 All Stars now, but I was really looking to see if Bogota was going to pull out that last game in Sr. Gold to make it..its like a euro soccer match when those guys are playing...big celebrations after goals, super loud fans...

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i think its great that narch draws so many teams from so many different countries. Hopefully more and more world wide competition will show up and that will help make our sport expand. Jim if im correct winter nastys get announced at the *FINALS* also right.. or even a couple weeks before the finals? besides all that.. torontos gonna be a great atmosphere.. 3 rinks? and there huge

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haha..Winter"nationals" (wtf? were we thinking) get announced at Finals and if the negotiations are done we announce Finals for the following year as well...

I have some stuff regarding WN, but not Finals to date for 2007, some good stuff brewing though with NARCh

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I think WN will continue to be a west-based event...Finals offers a lot more variability but 60-70% at the least for WN are from the west

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