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Pants with good ass protection

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I am using tacks 192 pants and I love the mobility but whenever I fall on my ass, it just hurts. Can sum1 reccomend me a pair of pants with the same mobility and yet with a good ass protection?


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Bauer 6000... or anything over a CCM 192, you should at least get into a 492. Once you start getting a little higher in the CCM pants, you start to lose mobility. Those suckers are stiff when they are new. They are almost overkill for adult league.

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I have the same problem with my old Easton Air 4000's, if I fall on my ass/hip I pretty much always get a hip flexor or just general soreness. Pants are definately on the top of my 'things to buy' list.

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How much do you want to spend?

nothing above $100 for sure, if I can get one below $70 that would be good. Salming protector is on ebay for $55, good deal?

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I had a pair of Mission M1 pants. Those things had plenty of protection and they are on closeout right now. The L5s are also a decent price and have good protection.

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I had a pair of Mission M1 pants. Those things had plenty of protection and they are on closeout right now. The L5s are also a decent price and have good protection.

Those are great options too. In fact just about everything at the 70 or so price point should solve your problem. Try a bunch on and see what fits best for you.

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How about the synergy 700 pants? I don't want something that affects too much mobility.


I have thick legs so Easton pants never fit me well.

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How much do you want to spend?

nothing above $100 for sure, if I can get one below $70 that would be good. Salming protector is on ebay for $55, good deal?

The Protector Lites have excellent protection, particularly at the tail bone -- the padding goes lower than most brands.

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try a bauer girdle with a shell.

ccm pants are stiff as hell. i got new 852s two months ago and they are like a cardboard box.

The new X92 stuff is better

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try a bauer girdle with a shell.

ccm pants are stiff as hell.  i got new 852s two months ago and they are like a cardboard box.

The new X92 stuff is better

well it better be, i am about to toss these on ebay and go back to tacklas for life.

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try a bauer girdle with a shell.

ccm pants are stiff as hell.  i got new 852s two months ago and they are like a cardboard box.

The new X92 stuff is better

well it better be, i am about to toss these on ebay and go back to tacklas for life.

I love my tacklas. I've been skating in those for as long as I can remember.

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I've been in my Tacklas for about a year or so and I love them. I do like the newer x92 and pro tack pants from CCM and the missions are great for people who have problems getting the right fit thanks to the adjustable length system.

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as far as pro stock's go the new XXX Pro pant by NBH is crazy protective it almost makes me want to block shots...

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