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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Flex on SL vs. Stealth

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Im looking to buy either an 85 SL or an 85 Stealth. Which runs whippier? I know easton has problems with flexes, but in general which is flexier?

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Flex is so unconsistant it's unreal. I have a OPS, shitty brand, Powertek who claims that the stick is a 100 flex, yet it flexes more than a Bauer Vapor VI that bears a 87 Flex... go figure... that's why I replaced with a low end Reebock stick.. 4K I believe it is...

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Hypothetically speaking the Stealth because of the longer flex and taper zone. But all in all eastons flexes are screwy. I have a brand new 100 flex cnt that feels like a 75, no joke.

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I have a normal stealth and it definitely feels softer than the stated 100flex even though i chopped it down a couple of inches. It feels almost like my old cyclone which was 95 flex, but stiffer than 85.

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