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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Skates

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How light is the pure fly line in terms of boot weight?...And what is an E width, I was thinking e is wide but couldt remeber...Whats the lightest ice boot out now?

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But how light is it compared to the Bauer XXX or one90 etc, I like the not so stiff uppers. But I have never felt how light they are compared to other top of the line skates

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But how light is it compared to the Bauer XXX or one90 etc, I like the not so stiff uppers. But I have never felt how light they are compared to other top of the line skates

Thats what I would like to know, my questions didnt really get answered....

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But how light is it compared to the Bauer XXX or one90 etc, I like the not so stiff uppers. But I have never felt how light they are compared to other top of the line skates

Thats what I would like to know, my questions didnt really get answered....

The purefuly isn't even close in terms of weight. It's a different design concept.

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Isn't the purefly like 2 generations old? I don't think a skate that old could compare to the newer skates weight wise. Besides Mission skates aren't built for light weight anyway.

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Three generations old. Right now you have the Mission Fuels. Before that was the L series and before that the S series.

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Three generations old. Right now you have the Mission Fuels. Before that was the L series and before that the S series.

S and L are not different generations, they're different lines. Think more like Tacks and Vectors.

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