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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Gas money

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ok i have a question for all you guy and gals that have to pay for your own gas money, this mostly applys to the younger group but all feel free to chime in.

ok so if im out with a bunch of my buddys i usaully ask each of them to pitch in a couple bucks each. now i dont always do this but like on weekends if we are going somewhere and they say hey lets go here thats when i ask for some $$. not this doesnt apply to the girl i like or anything i wouldnt do that. but i guess what im asking is do you think this is fair to ask people in the car for a few bucks?

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I usually don't unless the place they want to go is specifically out of the way for them. If its somewhere I want/need to go then I normally don't.

Once again I'm a Diesel...with gas being pretty close to the price of diesel it' all good B)

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Depends if the person has a car themselves, or is able to repay the driving favour sometime in the future.

In High School pretty much everyone in my group of friends either had their own car or could get access to one fairly often, so it wasn't really necessary to ask for gas money cause the someone else would drive the next time we all went somewhere.

But yeah, if you are driving someone to a specific place out of the way, like to the airport or something, I wouldn't ask but I would expect them to offer some gas money.

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We have a roll through of cars. Everyone who has a car usually takes turns picking everyone else up (car pool taking turns). If you don't have a car and we pick you up you pay for drinks, food, ect. for one other person. Usually it's fair and no one complains.

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When I was in school, it was usually the same couple people who drove. Not everyone had vehicles large enough to carry everyone. The rule of thumb was that if you were just riding along with them, it was free but if they were taking people out of their way, you kicked in some cash. Food or booze was considered an acceptable trade for gas money.

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When I was in school, it was usually the same couple people who drove. Not everyone had vehicles large enough to carry everyone. The rule of thumb was that if you were just riding along with them, it was free but if they were taking people out of their way, you kicked in some cash. Food or booze was considered an acceptable trade for gas money.

haha i would take that offer anyday! :P

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:D Gee when I was in school it was always : "Gas, Grass or Ass-Nobody Rides for Free"-the 70's were great eh? :P

It is just a common courtesy to pay up when someone else is driving. If I am driving and I have a regular rider I expect a little something, however I dont ask for it usually. If they dont offer it may cause me to reconsider my availability if they need a ride in the future though.

Gas is just too damn much cash now to do anything but.

The one time I make everybody chip in is when we go boating. I figure I'm the one hauling the boat(gas in the truck),making the payments on the boat not to mention the gas and insurance for same-Between the truck and the boat that is easily $125 bucks if not more. This is not including munchies and beverages which at first my wife would go to the store for-another $50 to $75 down the drain.

Finally had it financing everybody elses good time and started to ask everybody to chip in a bit, even if it was only 5 bucks or so. Talk about hearing people piss and moan. I finally had to be a bit of a dick and tell people that if they wanted to go they had to bring their own food and beverage, chip in some gas cash and unless we are going to a lake far away, get themselves there.

It took them some adjustment but everybody is on the same page now and it seems to work out well

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It really depends on who it is riding. If I feel like I'm doing them a favor, I'll be an asshole and shame them into giving me money. But if its somebody who drives me around a lot, I don't care.

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I've come to the point where its more of a hassle to collect money than it is to just pay for it myself. Now if we're going on a nice roadtrip, thats a different story.

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I found it rather convenient to leave the rear seats folded down (or removed). No space for a passenger back there, unless I wanted to make room for them. It was rather apparent to the 'latchers-on' that I wouldn't be their driver. Good friends will look after each other with some kind of payback - food, drinks, admission, etc...

If someone gives you a ride, step up and throw them a few bucks or spring for a snack once in a while. You'll be appreciated much more.

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My group of friends were pretty responsible when it came to things like this. If they didn't outright offer to pay for gas, then they would go out of their way to pay for a good portion of the booze that I drank that night.

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On long roadtrips, yeah I ask for gas money. But, for the most part if i'm just running someone in town somewhere I don't bother to ask. I'd say if its not out of your way, or if its not somewhere you'd be going either way, or you want to go (ie amusment park) don't ask either.

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Nope, never ask for gas money. When I was a teen I got so many of my friends to drive me around that now I just do it for anybody who needs a drive to the rink, provided they live in the viscnity of my place which is always the case.

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Yea I give my friends a few bucks to come pick me up and bring me to the place everyones at or something but if im on the way they dont mind.

Ok heres a question Ive been wondering bout but never made a topic. I go to rat hockey every sunday night and my parents cant take me. So another guy that Im sorta friends with, getting to know more and more as he takes me.

Since he takes me EVERY sunday, my dad gives him $5 a pop! Isnt that alot for a ride 10 minutes away, + the guy lives like two blocks away.

I told my dad to pay like $3 but he said the reliability was the reason he kept it there.

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