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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Danbury Trashers suspend ops

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No offense, but can you play in it?

The UHL is by no means anywhere close to the NHL or AHL but its a natural step up for a lot of players coming out of junior leagues.

Obviously young players don't aspire to become 'Br-U-taul' stars, but its still a semi-pro league.

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No offense, but can you play in it?

The UHL is by no means anywhere close to the NHL or AHL but its a natural step up for a lot of players coming out of junior leagues.

Obviously young players don't aspire to become 'Br-U-taul' stars, but its still a semi-pro league.

I'd be surprised if many guys sitting on a website could or will ever be good enough to play in the U-Haul (nickname for the UHL around pro hockey). Talentwise, it's a small step below the ECHL, but only because the UHL tends to have more veteran players who are no longer property (the UHL pays the average player better, excluding guys on two ways in the ECHL). A lot of the guys in the ECHL are property, usually younger guys straight out of Major Junior or NCAA. The ECHL is a true farm system for most NHL teams, with the progression being NHL-AHL-ECHL. It is a true professional league, not semi-pro.

The funny thing is that A LOT of guys in the UHL and CHL are paid out under the table in many different forms taxable and untaxable in addition their salary. Danbury was just a case of a person the feds WANTED to prosecute. Funny how the government stretches its long arm when it's convenient.

I'd wait until I signed an AHL or NHL contract before I told too many people the UHL sucked. There's a huge difference between thinking they suck while watching from the stands and actually being on the ice and realizing they're still pro athletes.

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