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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM recchi curve question

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I am looking into getting the recchi curve., and I cant use modo (lie is too low). Is the recchi higher? If not, what ccm curve should I look into? (No Rocker)

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If it's listed on the pattern db on here as a 5.5 you can pretty much bank on it.

The Recchi is an Iginla(easton/lie = 5.5), Lindros(bauer/lie = 6) or a Messier(tps/lie = 6)

Maybe the lecavalier? It's a heel curve tho.

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the recchi is a 5

the stuart is a 5.5

but the curves are different. The stuart is a smaller heel curve and has a closed face.

Maybe try a Lecavalier it's a lie of 6 and is open, but it once again is a heel curve.

The Bonk is pretty close but has a lie of 7 and the curve is smaller.

The only other curve that has a higher lie(6) is the Thorton but it has a closed face and is deeper.

I have no idea what the lie on the Ovechkin curve is, but I heard it's just a renamed Doan.

I hope that helps, even tho it sounds kinda confusing, lol.

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ok thanks, that helps, I wasnt sure cause above you said that recchi was 5.5 and now you said it was a 5 lol, but I get what your sying now

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The Recchi definitely is a higher lie than the modo/forsberg even though they are both listed as 5. Not a whole lot but noticable.

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ive seen lists that have the stuart as a 6. i can tell you from usage that the stuart is slightly higher than the easton 5.5. think higher than the iggy. the recchi is a ccm 5.5, which is the same as the sherwood 5.5. so think of the coffey curve, its the same as the recchi. its like an iggy thats closer to a modo lie. i look at it as ccm and sherwood...maybe bauer have the same lie system. i think eastons is slightly higher. i have a ccm doan (5), thats slightly lower than my modo. i have a ccm stuart (6), that is slightly higher than my iggy, and definitely lower than my yzerman. im starting to think none of them have any idea of whats actually correct.

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Didnt want to start a new topic.

Eastons Forsberg - wood replacement blade. Same as composite Forsberg? Lie 5 eh ?

yup, both types of Forsberg are the same, however I noticed that on some of them the toe isn't perfectly rounded, but thats not a big deal.

and I compared the Ovechkin curve to some others, and its a Sakic clone, same lie and everything

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woodies could be pretty incosistent though, sometimes the curve may vary. I had a sakic woodie that resembled drury more than anything else

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ahha yeah your right, but I dont mind getting a drury woodie. B)

btw I forgot to mention that I compared a V10 composite Ovechkin curve to an SL Sakic curve

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i have them too and the recchi is no 5. compare it to a modo (easton 5), and a doan (ccm 5). now compare it to a sherwood coffey (sherwood 5.5)...its the same. its also defnitely higher than the modo and doan.

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i have them too and the recchi is no 5. compare it to a modo (easton 5), and a doan (ccm 5). now compare it to a sherwood coffey (sherwood 5.5)...its the same. its also defnitely higher than the modo and doan.

Ya im a strict lie 5 guy. And Rechhi isnt same as modano --- not a 5.5 but not a 5

probably somewhere in between.

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I wish there was some kind of standard in the lie as well. For what it's worth, I just got some christian iginla's (Their pattern number 5) and Christian calls it a lie 5.

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I wish there was some kind of standard in the lie as well. For what it's worth, I just got some christian iginla's (Their pattern number 5) and Christian calls it a lie 5.

And the Christian #4 (Recchi) is a 5.5, they're talking about the curve being similar not the lie.

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