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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jofa to RBK Model Numbers

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Hi folks. In a couple of threads we talk about what Rbk model has replaced what level of Jofa equipment. In other threads we try to make sense of Jofa's complex numbering system. I just spent about 30 minutes searching and have come up with the following all-in-one-place reference.

This helps me as I'll be replacing some equipment soon and I'm looking for deals on discontinued Jofa gear. I thought I'd post the following list as it may help others. Please let me know if I have anything wrong. Thanks!

Rbk 3K replaces Jofa 5500

4K replaces 6500

5K replaces 7500

6K Shoulder replaces 9400

6k Elbow Replaces 9135

6k Shin replaces 9040

7K Shoulder replaces 9500 & 9700

7K Elbow replaces 9144

7k Shin Replaces 9060

8K Shoulder replaces 9800

8k Elbow replaces 9177

8k Shin Replaces 9090

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I see some Jofa 9077 elbow pads floating around the internet. Where would those fit in?

Oh and also:

Size 4 = Small

5 = Medium

6 = Large

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Are you sure about the 4K and 6K shins? I'm not very familiar with the Jofas, but the 4K and 6K look like new designs. For example, they have ventilated shells with suspension straps rather than traditional liners and they have shorter tabs above the kneecap.

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Yeah I think 'alarm is right, 6K is totally new, and 4K is a cheaper version of the 6K. As far as protection goes, they may be comparable, but the design is different.

Still a great thread though, when I was looking for equipment I had to do a HARD search to find the Jofa equivalents to RBK gear.

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