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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hey guys. I jsut broke my hex-1 last night. needto get a new stick for the next game. I havent been around the boards for a while and iam not up to date on the stick situation. Any new sticks that came out that i should look into?

thx all.

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I recently got a Mission Pulse. What they say about the feel is true. It is by far the best feeling OPS that I have used and I have used almost all of the big name ones. (Excluding Stealth CNT)

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Hey guys. I jsut broke my hex-1 last night. needto get a new stick for the next game. I havent been around the boards for a while and iam not up to date on the stick situation. Any new sticks that came out that i should look into?

thx all.

Any background info?

Eg. What sticks you have liked

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Well, i got my L2 when i got my s500 skates like 2 years ago. Went from my l2 to the m1, then from the m1 to the hex-1. So as far as OPS go, i've only used mission and the buaer gold and blue triflex... that i hate. I was thinking of keeping the mission theme with the pulse. but i've heard mixed reviews. I heard the XXX light is good, but breaks WAY to easy. Durability is not an issue for me, but i heard that stick just breaks way too often. The new Stealth mite be alright.

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I am an easton/warrior fan. However best bang for the buck right now are the Vapour XX and Vapour XXXs. You can find the vapours around $100. The CNTs and Warriors are up in the $150-200 range. Mostly depends on how much you want to spend.


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Synergy ST or NBH Endure if durability is an issue.

that's what i'd think too until i saw my teammates' endure break because of a light slash....it was on the reinforced area too!

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Synergy ST or NBH Endure if durability is an issue.

that's what i'd think too until i saw my teammates' endure break because of a light slash....it was on the reinforced area too!

My LHS told me the durability factor of the Endure has been more marketing hype than anything. They've been breaking just as much as any other stick they sell. So they stopped ordering them and will carry just the Vapor line.

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I bought a xxx lite in december broke it and got my warranty replacement stick and its been going strong since its a great all around stick i think and i would really recomend it

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Are the TPS rubber sticks really durable? I'm a defenceman looking to get a cannon shot next season, but I need a durable stick and those rubbers are on sale here.

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Are the TPS rubber sticks really durable? I'm a defenceman looking to get a cannon shot next season, but I need a durable stick and those rubbers are on sale here.

Ive never seen one break, and Ive seen people use the same shaft for years. They are probably one of the best shafts ever made, IMO.

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Are the TPS rubber sticks really durable? I'm a defenceman looking to get a cannon shot next season, but I need a durable stick and those rubbers are on sale here.

Ive never seen one break, and Ive seen people use the same shaft for years. They are probably one of the best shafts ever made, IMO.

i saw one in a trash can in one of the locker rooms at my rink. looked about 5-6 years old.

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