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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graduation Present..

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I mean I didnt get anything and I really didnt care, you only in middle school for 3 years and boom you still have to go through high school. Im not trying to bash your post

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I remember right around my 8th grade grad, I was at my grandma's with my aunt and cousin. I was just bullshit about how I should get a sweet gift, and my gma peels off a $100 and gave it to me, along with some speech about how I earned it, blah blah. The next sentence my cousin (who was homeschooled...) talks about how she is technically graduating from high school that next week and how she was receiving her GED. Gma looks over at her and says "oh, thats nice" and changes the conversation back to me.

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They used to call it Continuation when I was in grade school

Your Mom is probably just doting about it-She's proud so let her have her time with it.

Yes it really is kinda silly but oh well

Keep it simple and small-an I-pod or something of the like maybe if she insists on something material

Or if it suits you just tell her that you want to have a nice dinner at a good restaurant with your family cause the memory of quality time with your family will last longer than any material object.

That will knock her for a loop but it is true-One of my favorite memories I have is from my 14th birthday-my family and I went to a great restaurant and just had an overall good time. Many years later it still comes up from time to time

Just remember-next year you begin to play the game for keeps-make it count dude

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your just getting out of 8th grade and your talking it up in the beer thread? lol

With a birthday listed in 1963. 8th grade must have been pretty fun the last 30 times through. ;)

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I know it's nothing, I even toldl my mom, nothing. But she wants to get me something and is asking me for ideas...I have no idea.

a nice new pocket protecter for next year~

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They used to call it Continuation when I was in grade school

Your Mom is probably just doting about it-She's proud so let her have her time with it.

Yes it really is kinda silly but oh well

Keep it simple and small-an I-pod or something of the like maybe if she insists on something material

Or if it suits you just tell her that you want to have a nice dinner at a good restaurant with your family cause the memory of quality time with your family will last longer than any material object.

That will knock her for a loop but it is true-One of my favorite memories I have is from my 14th birthday-my family and I went to a great restaurant and just had an overall good time. Many years later it still comes up from time to time

Just remember-next year you begin to play the game for keeps-make it count dude

:P I would like to recant this qoute and second the stripper idea

Should leave a lasting memory with all involved :D

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I don't even remember what I got. At my school it was K-8, no middle school so it was kind of a graduation from all 8 years, not just middle school. If you dont already have an iPod then that's a keeper of a present. Maybe a gift certificate to the LHS...

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you mean 9 years, but your point still remains.

I had the same type of school K-8, after 8th grade year I got a portable CD player.

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hmm depends on how old you are. if your gonna be 15 this fall ask her if you can start looking for a car. that way when (if) you take drivers ed/get your permit, you can do all your driving in your own car and you can learn all about your specific model. parents usually don't like letting the kids drive their brand new SUV, so that way you can get all the experience you need.

if you're planning on playing HS hockey, this might be an easy way to get a real nice set of gear (rbk 7 or 8k, mission fuel 110) etc. i would ask her for a pair of the new xxx-lite bauer pants, but that's just imo.

but yeah getting out of 8th is not a big deal. if i had kids i would probably just take them out to the olive garden (thats a real nice italian rest here in usa, yall don't have that in canada) and give them 100 bucks.

you will love high school. i got in so much trouble in middle school because i was "too mature" for the restrictions they placed on us, and i tried to give myself more freedom than they wanted me to have. HS is a breeze (i'm in 11). you get to drive hot girls around and get drunk and pass out in their beds.

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If i'm not mistaken Olive Garden is a chain? Thats kind of.. Sub-par. But your other ideas (Hockey gear, car, etc.) were really good.

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you mean 9 years, but your point still remains.

I had the same type of school K-8, after 8th grade year I got a portable CD player.

haha ya that's right. c'mon kindergarden doesn't count! <_<

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well yeah olive garden is a chain. what exactly do you consider nice?? around here $20 per person is upscale. so olive garden is about the nicest place in our town.

if your in toronto, you could always ask for the 360 restaurant at the CN tower. it was great when i ate there.

oh i forgot you could ask for the new Scooby Doo chia pet! :P

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I didnt get anything for 8th grade, I got stuff after high school and college but 8th grade is a little odd to me... hmmm Ask for a giga pet or a pokemon dvd or something.

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Just about to graduate from 8th grade and my mom is having a party for me. What would you guys want as a gift? I really have no idea so please share..nothing to expensive though.

i just graduated from 8th grade. got nothin. doesnt matter to me, theres still 4 years left. hopefullly 8 with college

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