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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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One90 Baking Instructions

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I'm planning on getting the One90's from my LHS, and was hoping someone could send me the proper baking instructions so I can be sure the people there are doing it right. The people at my LHS are mostly clueless teenagers, and I found out on this board, after I did a test drive of Kor Shift 1's (which I ended up not getting), that the things they did/told me to do at the shop were completely wrong. Shelling out this kind of money for skates, I want to make sure its done right. Thanks.

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We use the Mission oven. Pre-heat for 5 minutes. Bake One90 skates for 3 minutes. Beware that not all timers are accurate!! The 3 minutes may only actually be 2:45! Time it on your watch if you want to be sure.

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went into my LHS today, and for anyone who hasn't held these skates, you can't believe how light they are until you hold them. Its honestly shocking. Unfortunately my LHS only has size 8.5 and up, and they told me to wait a week and they may be getting smaller. I'm an 8.5 in 8090s, but thinking I need a 7.5D or 7EE after trying on the 8.5

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Did my middle of the range skates in the good ol home oven via the instructions from Epuck. Just do it in little pieces....for Eg: Epuck's instructions claimed you should place the skates in 5-10 mins (after the heat is turned off of course) I did it only for a few mins as I was scared certain important parts of the skate might be ruined/melted past good use. I ended up baking for the same amount of time once more a few weeks after. The skates now fit like a slipper and the integrity/stiffness still remains as good as the 1st day I wore them.

Lesson is bake in little increments if you are kinda precious over your new babies. At the prices the one90's are going for it would be hard to find someone isn't protective when it comes to baking these skates.

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