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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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XXX Lite shaft

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There have been a coulpe of topics on the XXX Lite shaft, what is it? cut OPS? overrun? repainted X shaft? etc.

Have just aquired one, so now I have both the XX & XXX lite shafts.

XX: 50' 290g Standard shape (very Boxy) none-grip.

XXX: 53' around 290-295g Standard shape (more rounded than XX) stick-um grip.

XXX lite with a composite blade makes a very sweet combo, great balance and weight.



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Retail here in Scandinavia. $150 (actually a good price for a shaft, since most cost $160-170 in LHS's)

Flex 102, seen them in 87, 102 & 112.

Can also be found in some German online stores, e.g. www.hockeyoffice.com aka hockeyzentrale.de

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the XX shafts you see here (like the Smyth that was on ebay last week), and XXX lite as well..are pro spec shafts made for players..not Vapor X or overruns repainted...

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Whats the difference between this and the xxx lites I see on ebay every week from broken ops'?

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