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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TFATF Tokyo Drift

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It came out today in the UK so i went down and saw it with a couple of mates, I thought it was quiet good and was not really what i expected it to be, but it was still good and I thought some of the special effects on the drifting was pretty cool!

I also think the main female in it is a total BABE! B)

What did you lot think?

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The movie was OK... In my opinion, the star actress was ugly. Her jaw was bigger then her head. Kinda nasty. And well, I think it's genious of them how they always lead up to a neft TFATF.

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It was alright. I almost cried when I saw that Nissan engine in that Mustang though.


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