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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Whey Powder

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So I've started working out 5 days a week for summer hockey training and I just got a container of Whey Powder. My questions are...

How often should I have it?

When should have it? before workout? after?

Have any of you used it? what did you find?



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When taking whey, you should have it within an hour after you workout. Also, depending on the amount of meat you eat that day, you may need it a couple times. The reccomended amount of protein you should get is 1g/Lb of body weight.But realize you can only take in about 40g's at a time, if you take any more youll "poop" it ous and its worthless

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If you are talking about they whey protein powder, then yes i have used it, and I used it after evey workout. Since it is Protein, it helps with the development of muscles, which is why it is taken after workouts.

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Your on top of things kovalchuck, Adam i'd reccomend doing a split if your working out 5 times a week--and the whey right after workout, preferably with water or gatorade (milk is slow-digesting)

Mon- Chest/triceps

Tues- Biceps/Back

Weds- Shoulders/Legs/Traps


Repeat again--the days will change but thats alright

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hey just wondering how old you are? im 15 and im workingout alot as well. you should try muscle milk i works pretty good and taste great, it's another option if you get sick of whey. ive been taking it since the 8th grade before and after work-outs.

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Hey, I probally cant help as much as the other guys, but just a simple tip. Drink it directly after the work out when your thirsty --that way you can down it easy. I used to drink that stuff and it tastes nasty. (with milk) and i could drink it pretty quick after working out when im thirsty.

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If you are working to build up muscle mass, then you need protein to build that muscle. Protein comes in eggs, milk, chicken breasts, breakfast steaks, etc etc. The trouble is that you typically need to take in more protein than most people can stomach! So some use protein drinks, like whey, to cut down on the amount of other protein needed to be eaten.

After working out you need a lot of carbs to help build the muscle, and keep your body from "eating" its own muscle. That is probably a good time to add some whey to a carb smoothie and drink it--being in liquid form the body can absorb it more quickly. But the key is that you need carbs as well as protein. You can get seriously ill if you only take in proteins and no carbs! Good carbs are fruits and vegetables. And you also need to drink a lot of water when bumping up your protein input--keeps your kidneys functioning.

BTW, whey is found in milk, so there is nothing too special about it. A good bowl of lowfat cottage cheese will have the same effect!

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Sometimes it is laziness...sometimes it is just the result of the lifestyle we live. When I was in college, it was nearly impossible to eat properly (following the pyramid). I was ALWAYS on the go and rarely near a refrigerator. Some foods I could carry with me without spoiling, others I couldn't. I had to eat a lot of meals from fast food joints. You still have healthy options...but it just isn't the same as a meal you could prepare with ample time in your own kitchen. This is when I discovered the "meal replacement" shakes, protein shakes, etc. I wasn't trying to SKIP meals, simply supplement the meager nutrition that I was getting from my meals on the go. If I got my nutrients from the shake, with some vitamins, etc., and that meant I need a few less burgers from McDonald's to feel full and satisfied, it ended up being a healthier option.

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Yep i agree, its better to eat eg. Your 5 fruits + Veg a day then to just take the vitamins.

Also i have seen people using vitamins as an excuse to not eat a healthy diet which is totlally wrong

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hey just wondering how old you are? im 15 and im workingout alot as well. you should try muscle milk i works pretty good and taste great, it's another option if you get sick of whey. ive been taking it since the 8th grade before and after work-outs.

I just turned 16 a few weeks ago

Guys the workout I do is the one from Body Building .com just search hockey and it will come up.

I'd say I eat quite a bit healthier then the average teen but I don't usually have the time to prepare properly balanced meals

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I don't think the "properly balanced meal" is that important. It is more important to NOT eat junk. Junk includes fried foods, fatty stuff, candy, sugary drinks, potato chips, big macks, etc. Just try to up your protein. For breakfast, do not eat a big bowl of cereal, but instead have 3 eggs and a breakfast steak with some whole or rye toast and OJ. Instead of a couple of cans of soda at night, make up a smoothie with some yogurt, banana, frozen strwberries, a little ice cream. Learn to love chicken breasts, tuna, cottage cheese, etc., stuff with a lot of protein.

Use some sense when eating out. A taco bell stop has all the right ingredients--meat, carbs, vegies, cheese, salsa, just lay off the sour cream (pure fat).

Also, get a one a day type of vitaming that has some minerals in it also, and take it. Your body can not build muscle if it is missing certain vitamins and minerals, and hockey players routinely are missing some.

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You go to the grocery and get those thin sandwich steaks (not much fat on them, they come 5 to a pack) and fry one up with your eggs. Just another way to get enough protein in if you are trying to create muscle mass or convert body fat to muscle.

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I take whey and creatine right after I work out. Optimum 100% whey dosen't have any carbs to it, so what i've been doing is mixing a scoop of powdered gator aid in with my creatine, drinking that and then drinking the whey once I get out of the shower.

As far as protine and carbs go, your body needs protine to build muscles. However, right after you workout you need some form of carbs. To put it simply the carbs feed your muscles and supply your muscles with a much needed resupply of energy. The gator aid has dextrose in it, and gives you all the carbs you need for your post workout shake.

Whey protine, is the fastest absorbed form of protien and that is why it is taken after your workout, because your muscles can suck it right up.

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im taking multivitamins, along with whey and glutamine.

i have a banana and a piece of toast in the morning along with my multivitamins, and one shake. then i have another multivitamin 6 hours later, and another shake prior and post work out.

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hey just wondering how old you are? im 15 and im workingout alot as well. you should try muscle milk i works pretty good and taste great, it's another option if you get sick of whey. ive been taking it since the 8th grade before and after work-outs.

muscle milk is not good after workouts. its a slow active protein. take muscle milk an hr b4 you workout, 100% whey after you workout, and muscle milk before you go to bed, that will help you gain weight. After a workout your body needs protein if you want to build, and muscle milk takes too long.

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I started taking it 2 days ago.

Your supposed to take it:

1) 1-3 Scoops When you wake up

2) 1-3 Scoops After your workout

3)1-3 Scoops Before you go to sleep

I mix mine with water, surprisingly it tastes really good.I got Chocolate flavored by the way.

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hey just wondering how old you are? im 15 and im workingout alot as well. you should try muscle milk i works pretty good and taste great, it's another option if you get sick of whey. ive been taking it since the 8th grade before and after work-outs.

muscle milk is not good after workouts. its a slow active protein. take muscle milk an hr b4 you workout, 100% whey after you workout, and muscle milk before you go to bed, that will help you gain weight. After a workout your body needs protein if you want to build, and muscle milk takes too long.

But its muscle weight right and not fat?

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