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Whey Powder

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I didnt know ya'll were into bodybuilding

i love bb.com


yes ON 100% whey is the best, usually 2 scoops post workout

im cycling off creatine right now

I usually dont have too many whey shakes during the day, as i try to get protein from food also

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Yes, Optimum Nutrition whey is great. I do 2 scoops with skim milk after work-out along with creatine and L-glutamine in some Gatorade. L-Glutamine helps with sore muscles (builds your amino acids back up). I do the L-glutamine in the morning, too.

You should be getting protein from food as well. For those of you that do 3-4 protein shakes a day that is protein overload---manufactures will always recommend maximum amounts so that you end up buying more of their product--you don't need that much if you get protein elsewhere.

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given that i play hockey, is there an ideal wieght for me? 5'4" 20 years old? currently 130lbs..... pretty concerned as im also considering protein powder to gain mass if i really need to for hockey....


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given that i play hockey, is there an ideal wieght for me? 5'4" 20 years old? currently 130lbs..... pretty concerned as im also considering protein powder to gain mass if i really need to for hockey....


An important point for you, unlike those trying to lose weight, is your caloric intake. say youre 130 now, and want to build some muscle up to 150. you should up your caloric intake, in other words, eat as though you were already 150 lbs. lots of protien, pasta, and rice cakes.

On to Whey, I take it twice a day, immediately following a workout, and once 6 hours later combine it with a multivitamin. if you have trouble with the taste of whey, try mixing it in cereal or Oatmeal.

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optimum nutrition 100% whey is the best whey out there

Totally Agree. It tastes like hot chocolate mix. Been using it for years now. I spread it out throughout the day. A scoop in the morning, a scoop before my worhout, a scoop right after my workout, and then a more slowly reacting protein like casein right before I sleep.

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thanks buzz

so for my height 150lbs is an ideal weight?


NO! I don't know how old you are or what build you have but unless you're naturally big boned/stocky (not necessarily fat) that is not your ideal weight.

And if you are still growing, training for muscle mass is of miniscule importance compared to training for speed/aerobic/anaerobic/technique/skill training/flexability.

If you're an adult who is smallish and/or are all set with the above traits, disregard my advice.

I just feel that big defenseman can't hit what they can't catch is all :D

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I personally don't think that the average Joe needs Whey protein or any other nutrional supplement for that matter aside from extra vitamins if your daily diet sucks. Unless you are working out to become a bodybuilder or to bulk up a lot, you don't need it. Actually, if you are trying to bulk up you would be better off eating more and healthier than taking Whey protein 3 times a day like some have recommended here. When bulking up you need to work out very hard at the gym and besides protein you need carbs to fuel your muscles and you need calories to have that extra energy required to workout hard and for your mucles to heal and grow. Whey protein and all these sports nutrition products are highly overrated and many bodybuilders and athletes only endorse them because they get good money out of it. The only products who give you an edge in any workout or sports competition are all banned for the by major sports affiliations for the most part. If you've seen bodybuilders being interviewed or talked to them for that matter, they will tell you, oh I eat a dozen eggs for breakfast allong with half to three quarters of a loaf of bread, a full chicken for lunch along with veggies and some pasta and about a pound of lean protein for dinner etc. You rarely if every hear them say that they take any protein or workout supplement within their daily diet

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I personally don't think that the average Joe needs Whey protein or any other nutrional supplement for that matter aside from extra vitamins if your daily diet sucks. Unless you are working out to become a bodybuilder or to bulk up a lot, you don't need it. Actually, if you are trying to bulk up you would be better off eating more and healthier than taking Whey protein 3 times a day like some have recommended here. When bulking up you need to work out very hard at the gym and besides protein you need carbs to fuel your muscles and you need calories to have that extra energy required to workout hard and for your mucles to heal and grow. Whey protein and all these sports nutrition products are highly overrated and many bodybuilders and athletes only endorse them because they get good money out of it. The only products who give you an edge in any workout or sports competition are all banned for the by major sports affiliations for the most part. If you've seen bodybuilders being interviewed or talked to them for that matter, they will tell you, oh I eat a dozen eggs for breakfast allong with half to three quarters of a loaf of bread, a full chicken for lunch along with veggies and some pasta and about a pound of lean protein for dinner etc. You rarely if every hear them say that they take any protein or workout supplement within their daily diet

Definitely wrong there bud, every site i have been too reccomends whey protein after workouts and throughout the day. Why? It's the fastest digesting and better for you (i.e. carbs, sugar). The bb.com website has real pro's on it, and yes whey is always reccomended. Yes, food is essential and protein from it, but why not help yourself using whey? Sure it may cost some money, but for those on the run it's an easy alternative if you cannot get a good healthy meal in. Just my two cents...

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I personally don't think that the average Joe needs Whey protein or any other nutrional supplement for that matter aside from extra vitamins if your daily diet sucks. Unless you are working out to become a bodybuilder or to bulk up a lot, you don't need it. Actually, if you are trying to bulk up you would be better off eating more and healthier than taking Whey protein 3 times a day like some have recommended here. When bulking up you need to work out very hard at the gym and besides protein you need carbs to fuel your muscles and you need calories to have that extra energy required to workout hard and for your mucles to heal and grow. Whey protein and all these sports nutrition products are highly overrated and many bodybuilders and athletes only endorse them because they get good money out of it. The only products who give you an edge in any workout or sports competition are all banned for the by major sports affiliations for the most part. If you've seen bodybuilders being interviewed or talked to them for that matter, they will tell you, oh I eat a dozen eggs for breakfast allong with half to three quarters of a loaf of bread, a full chicken for lunch along with veggies and some pasta and about a pound of lean protein for dinner etc. You rarely if every hear them say that they take any protein or workout supplement within their daily diet

Have you ever read a bodybuilding magazine? All bodybuilders will tell you they eat all of the food that you just mentioned, but also whey protein in between meals and after a workout. The normal person never gets enough protein to build muscles if you just eat regular food. No one has enough time to ensure that every meal is balanced, or enough money to buy all of the neccessary food to eat the neccessary amount of protein each day.

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I personally don't think that the average Joe needs Whey protein or any other nutrional supplement for that matter aside from extra vitamins if your daily diet sucks.  Unless you are working out to become a bodybuilder or to bulk up a lot, you don't need it.  Actually, if you are trying to bulk up you would be better off eating more and healthier than taking Whey protein 3 times a day like some have recommended here.  When bulking up you need to work out very hard at the gym and besides protein you need carbs to fuel your muscles and you need calories to have that extra energy required to workout hard and for your mucles to heal and grow.  Whey protein and all these sports nutrition products are highly overrated and many bodybuilders and athletes only endorse them because they get good money out of it.  The only products who give you an edge in any workout or sports competition are all banned for the by major sports affiliations for the most part.  If you've seen bodybuilders being interviewed or talked to them for that matter, they will tell you, oh I eat a dozen eggs for breakfast allong with half to three quarters of a loaf of bread, a full chicken for lunch along with veggies and some pasta and about a pound of lean protein for dinner etc.  You rarely if every hear them say that they take any protein or workout supplement within their daily diet

Definitely wrong there bud, every site i have been too reccomends whey protein after workouts and throughout the day. Why? It's the fastest digesting and better for you (i.e. carbs, sugar). The bb.com website has real pro's on it, and yes whey is always reccomended. Yes, food is essential and protein from it, but why not help yourself using whey? Sure it may cost some money, but for those on the run it's an easy alternative if you cannot get a good healthy meal in. Just my two cents...

Damn, you beat me to it. Nicely put.

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It's your money and your opinion and I respect that but I just don't agree with that. Your body can only assimilate so much protein. The rest is eliminated through urine transiting through your kidneys. Studies have shown that eating or taking in to much protein can lead to kidney problems. If what you are saying was true, every body builder on the planet would be on the Atkins Diet that promotes eating protein rich food till your heart's content. If you ask any nutrion expert who knows what he's talking about, he will warn you to stay away from the Atkins Diet. A bigger person does indeed need more proteins than a smaller person as you should eat x amount of proteins per lbs of weight. Overdoing it won't give you any benefits while not eating enough will also have some adverse effect. Whey protein IMO can only be useful if you are unable to eat enough protein in your daily diet. The excess goes to waste anyway. As for Carbs, you need them, it's your body's prime fuel for when working out as it is readily available. Proteins are not fuel. It's there to help repair you rmuscles and keep your muscle mass intact. You need to focus on complex carbohydrates though, whole wheat greins, not that enriched white flour crap, candies or shit like that.

Anyone so upset about his protein intake should do the maths first. Take your weight and look at charts to see how much protein you should consume in a day. Than get a chart that tells you specifically how much protein the food you eat contains and do the math. If you fall short and are not hungry to eat more, then perhaps Whay protein is your answer. Then you'll know if you really need to invest money in by products. And it also depends on how hard you work out. Very few people spend enough time working out or exercising to warrant extra protein intake. Bodybuilders may need extra protein but they usually spend 3 hours and more every day at the gym and highly doubt that it is the case with some of you here, if any. But that's my personal opinion and as I said before, I respect your opinions on that matter but just don't agree with it :D

PS. Nah, never read any muscle mags and shit like that. It's of no interest to me. I did howerver work out a lot in the mid 90's to early 2000's and had a personal trainer who never even mentionned that I should perhaps take Whey protein. He had a personal workout plan penned out for me along with a special diet comprised of proteins and carbs. At that time I made lots of progress in the Gym by being showed how to work out properly and how to eat properly in order to be at my peak in the gym along with gaining muscle mass.. then came a girflried, my present wife and for some reason I was getting more pleasant exercise at home than I did at the gym :D and just quit working out altogether.. big mistake lol

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I've only been taking whey for the last couple days only after I workout - 1 scoop. Should I be taking it more and should I take it 1 scoop every time?

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I personally don't think that the average Joe needs Whey protein or any other nutrional supplement for that matter aside from extra vitamins if your daily diet sucks.  Unless you are working out to become a bodybuilder or to bulk up a lot, you don't need it.  Actually, if you are trying to bulk up you would be better off eating more and healthier than taking Whey protein 3 times a day like some have recommended here.  When bulking up you need to work out very hard at the gym and besides protein you need carbs to fuel your muscles and you need calories to have that extra energy required to workout hard and for your mucles to heal and grow.  Whey protein and all these sports nutrition products are highly overrated and many bodybuilders and athletes only endorse them because they get good money out of it.  The only products who give you an edge in any workout or sports competition are all banned for the by major sports affiliations for the most part.  If you've seen bodybuilders being interviewed or talked to them for that matter, they will tell you, oh I eat a dozen eggs for breakfast allong with half to three quarters of a loaf of bread, a full chicken for lunch along with veggies and some pasta and about a pound of lean protein for dinner etc.  You rarely if every hear them say that they take any protein or workout supplement within their daily diet

Definitely wrong there bud, every site i have been too reccomends whey protein after workouts and throughout the day. Why? It's the fastest digesting and better for you (i.e. carbs, sugar). The bb.com website has real pro's on it, and yes whey is always reccomended. Yes, food is essential and protein from it, but why not help yourself using whey? Sure it may cost some money, but for those on the run it's an easy alternative if you cannot get a good healthy meal in. Just my two cents...

Damn, you beat me to it. Nicely put.

It is indeed an option if you don't have time to eat properly after a good workout I suppose.

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Also, muscle growth will indeed rely on your protein intake but also on your calories intake. For exemple, a bodybuilder as next to no fat on his body. If he was to rely on protein intake alone without eating enough calories in a day, he would lose muscle mass instead of gaining no matter how much is protein intake would be. If you don't eat enough and have no more fat to burn, the next thing to be burned of on your body is your muscle mass and like I said, too much is as bad or worst then not enough

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I recently visited a nutritionist about gaining weight. She made a meal plan for me and what to eat after workout and at all other times of the day. Now based on this diet, there is a need for a fair amount of protein, but no protein powder of any kind. I've definitely put weight on with my diet with very little if any protein powder. In my opinion, it's all in what you eat not some miracle powder or things of the sort.

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It's your money and your opinion and I respect that but I just don't agree with that.  Your body can only assimilate so much protein.  The rest is eliminated through urine transiting through your kidneys.  Studies have shown that eating or taking in to much protein can lead to kidney problems.  If what you are saying was true, every body builder on the planet would be on the Atkins Diet that promotes eating protein rich food till your heart's content.  If you ask any nutrion expert who knows what he's talking about, he will warn you to stay away from the Atkins Diet.  A bigger person does indeed need more proteins than a smaller person as you should eat x amount of proteins per lbs of weight.  Overdoing it won't give you any benefits while not eating enough will also have some adverse effect.  Whey protein IMO can only be useful if you are unable to eat enough protein in your daily diet.  The excess goes to waste anyway.  As for Carbs, you need them, it's your body's prime fuel for when working out as it is readily available.  Proteins are not fuel.  It's there to help repair you rmuscles and keep your muscle mass intact.  You need to focus on complex carbohydrates though, whole wheat greins, not that enriched white flour crap, candies or shit like that.

Anyone so upset about his protein intake should do the maths first.  Take your weight and look at charts to see how much protein you should consume in a day.  Than get a chart that tells you specifically how much protein the food you eat contains and do the math.  If you fall short and are not hungry to eat more, then perhaps Whay protein is your answer.  Then you'll know if you really need to invest money in by products.  And it also depends on how hard you work out.  Very few people spend enough time working out or exercising to warrant extra protein intake.  Bodybuilders may need extra protein but they usually spend 3 hours and more every day at the gym and highly doubt that it is the case with some of you here, if any.  But that's my personal opinion and as I said before, I respect your opinions on that matter but just don't agree with it

PS.  Nah, never read any muscle mags and shit like that.  It's of no interest to me.  I did howerver work out a lot in the mid 90's to early  2000's and had a personal trainer who never even mentionned that I should perhaps take Whey protein.  He had a personal workout plan penned out for me along with a special diet comprised of proteins and carbs.  At that time I made lots of progress in the Gym by being showed how to work out properly and how to eat properly in order to be at my peak in the gym along with gaining muscle mass.. then came a girflried, my present wife and for some reason I was getting more pleasant exercise at home than I did at the gym and just quit working out altogether.. big mistake lol

Well, first, too much protein can lead to kidney problems if not enough water is consumed! Water is essential to anyones diet and keeps the metabolism high, about a gallon a day. Second, yes you are supposed to consume your bodyweight in protein everyday, whether it be from food or whey, so whats the problem with whey? And the only reason i mentioned whey having low carbs was because most of the carbs in anyones diet come from whole grains and other foods. And no, bodybuilders dont workout for 3 hours, they workout for an hour to an hour and a half. Why? Your muscles start to release hormones that catabolize the muscle aka destroy it! Whey is something to help those who want to maintain either mass or muscle, while adding or keeping the muscle. And yes, some of us do workout here and want to live past 50 and not have a heart attack or something of the sort.

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It's your money and your opinion and I respect that but I just don't agree with that.  Your body can only assimilate so much protein.  The rest is eliminated through urine transiting through your kidneys.  Studies have shown that eating or taking in to much protein can lead to kidney problems.  If what you are saying was true, every body builder on the planet would be on the Atkins Diet that promotes eating protein rich food till your heart's content.  If you ask any nutrion expert who knows what he's talking about, he will warn you to stay away from the Atkins Diet.  A bigger person does indeed need more proteins than a smaller person as you should eat x amount of proteins per lbs of weight.  Overdoing it won't give you any benefits while not eating enough will also have some adverse effect.  Whey protein IMO can only be useful if you are unable to eat enough protein in your daily diet.  The excess goes to waste anyway.  As for Carbs, you need them, it's your body's prime fuel for when working out as it is readily available.  Proteins are not fuel.  It's there to help repair you rmuscles and keep your muscle mass intact.  You need to focus on complex carbohydrates though, whole wheat greins, not that enriched white flour crap, candies or shit like that.

Anyone so upset about his protein intake should do the maths first.  Take your weight and look at charts to see how much protein you should consume in a day.  Than get a chart that tells you specifically how much protein the food you eat contains and do the math.  If you fall short and are not hungry to eat more, then perhaps Whay protein is your answer.  Then you'll know if you really need to invest money in by products.  And it also depends on how hard you work out.  Very few people spend enough time working out or exercising to warrant extra protein intake.  Bodybuilders may need extra protein but they usually spend 3 hours and more every day at the gym and highly doubt that it is the case with some of you here, if any.  But that's my personal opinion and as I said before, I respect your opinions on that matter but just don't agree with it

PS.  Nah, never read any muscle mags and shit like that.  It's of no interest to me.  I did howerver work out a lot in the mid 90's to early  2000's and had a personal trainer who never even mentionned that I should perhaps take Whey protein.  He had a personal workout plan penned out for me along with a special diet comprised of proteins and carbs.  At that time I made lots of progress in the Gym by being showed how to work out properly and how to eat properly in order to be at my peak in the gym along with gaining muscle mass.. then came a girflried, my present wife and for some reason I was getting more pleasant exercise at home than I did at the gym and just quit working out altogether.. big mistake lol

Well, first, too much protein can lead to kidney problems if not enough water is consumed! Water is essential to anyones diet and keeps the metabolism high, about a gallon a day. Second, yes you are supposed to consume your bodyweight in protein everyday, whether it be from food or whey, so whats the problem with whey? And the only reason i mentioned whey having low carbs was because most of the carbs in anyones diet come from whole grains and other foods. And no, bodybuilders dont workout for 3 hours, they workout for an hour to an hour and a half. Why? Your muscles start to release hormones that catabolize the muscle aka destroy it! Whey is something to help those who want to maintain either mass or muscle, while adding or keeping the muscle. And yes, some of us do workout here and want to live past 50 and not have a heart attack or something of the sort.

I don't recall saying anything against working out there my friend. Working out will sure help you live longer in most cases but is not always the truth. Look at Jiri Fischer for exemple who almost died on the ice. Then there's Sergei Zoltok, two players in great shape with next to no body fat etc. There are many exemples like that that we've all seen on the news about know or unknown athletes dying of a hearth attack at 30, 35 etc. but it does make your chances of living past fifty much higher if you do workout and stuff, there's no doubt in my mind about that. Bodybuilders are not what I would call role model. Bodybuilding in it's own is a noble sport and it may have cleaned it's act to some level but many are still using steroïds and stuff, perhaps not the ones who compete as I understand they are often tested but we all know that testing have flaws or are sometimes innacurate but that's beside the point. I do agree with you that working out is a great way to stay in shape and live longer and we all have our own exercise, sports and workout regimen that work for each and everyone of us depending on our personal goals. I'm not saying that whey is junk, what I'm saying is that you just don't need it as you can find all the proteins you need in your daily diet provided you A) are hungry enough to ingest the necessary amounts of foods and B) you work out hard enough to justify ingesting thoses amounts of foods. I guess it's a simple matter of choice. I don't think whey powder is necessary for me but you find it necessary for yourself and that's good. To eaches own I guess lol. Good luck with your workout regimen

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I agree that you can probably get enough protein from food IF: you sit down and calculate calories, what you eat, etc. Whey is a "supplement" meaning in addition to your normal food. I could get enough protein through food but I don't want to eat eggs whites, chicken breasts all day. I think for the normal person who works out that whey is a good way to get extra protein. In addition, high endurance sport athletes need protein to repair broken down muscles so it's not just hitting the gym as to why you need protein.

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It's your money and your opinion and I respect that but I just don't agree with that.  Your body can only assimilate so much protein.  The rest is eliminated through urine transiting through your kidneys.  Studies have shown that eating or taking in to much protein can lead to kidney problems.  If what you are saying was true, every body builder on the planet would be on the Atkins Diet that promotes eating protein rich food till your heart's content.  If you ask any nutrion expert who knows what he's talking about, he will warn you to stay away from the Atkins Diet.  A bigger person does indeed need more proteins than a smaller person as you should eat x amount of proteins per lbs of weight.  Overdoing it won't give you any benefits while not eating enough will also have some adverse effect.  Whey protein IMO can only be useful if you are unable to eat enough protein in your daily diet.  The excess goes to waste anyway.  As for Carbs, you need them, it's your body's prime fuel for when working out as it is readily available.  Proteins are not fuel.  It's there to help repair you rmuscles and keep your muscle mass intact.  You need to focus on complex carbohydrates though, whole wheat greins, not that enriched white flour crap, candies or shit like that.

Anyone so upset about his protein intake should do the maths first.  Take your weight and look at charts to see how much protein you should consume in a day.  Than get a chart that tells you specifically how much protein the food you eat contains and do the math.  If you fall short and are not hungry to eat more, then perhaps Whay protein is your answer.  Then you'll know if you really need to invest money in by products.  And it also depends on how hard you work out.  Very few people spend enough time working out or exercising to warrant extra protein intake.  Bodybuilders may need extra protein but they usually spend 3 hours and more every day at the gym and highly doubt that it is the case with some of you here, if any.  But that's my personal opinion and as I said before, I respect your opinions on that matter but just don't agree with it  :D

PS.  Nah, never read any muscle mags and shit like that.  It's of no interest to me.  I did howerver work out a lot in the mid 90's to early  2000's and had a personal trainer who never even mentionned that I should perhaps take Whey protein.  He had a personal workout plan penned out for me along with a special diet comprised of proteins and carbs.  At that time I made lots of progress in the Gym by being showed how to work out properly and how to eat properly in order to be at my peak in the gym along with gaining muscle mass.. then came a girflried, my present wife and for some reason I was getting more pleasant exercise at home than I did at the gym  :D  and just quit working out altogether.. big mistake lol

Finally someone gets it...Congrats

Although you are wasting your energy...Let them waste their money and not learn to do things the right way

BGM- Most people are already getting more than enough...


Umm Theo, what don't I get?

That little powerpoint mentioned 8-1.2 grams per bodyweight of protein everyday

Don't try and tell me people eat their bodyweight in protein everyday, with just food. It doesn't happen.

Thats why whey comes in and helps those individuals, like I said, if their on the run or can't get 3-6 hearty/heathly meals a day. Yes fats and carbs and cals are neccesary to live, and you can get those through food also. Whey isn't that expensive, but when you buy from GNC and local shops--it is. And also let sleezy and sneaky employees tell you what to buy, then it is also expensive.

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Umm Theo, what don't I get?

That little powerpoint mentioned 8-1.2 grams per bodyweight of protein everyday

Don't try and tell me people eat their bodyweight in protein everyday, with just food. It doesn't happen.

I think Theo's point is it's .8-1.2 grams per KG bodyweight, not LBS bodyweight, which is a lot less protein than the general myth that it needs to be x grams of protein per x lbs of bodyweight.

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Theo--the whole health/vitamin/nutrition industry is geared for people looking for a quick way to lose lbs in a pill, bulk up by taking a shake, etc. GNC and others make a killing off the normal person walking in the store that is not educated on what it takes to get results--dedication and diet. But again, majority of people (like myself) in the working world don't go and eat a chicken breast and some nuts for lunch and cook one salmon filet for dinner--it doesn't happen.

I agree with you if you can do your meals like that then you don't need whey but it's a good way to get extra protein.

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Theo--the whole health/vitamin/nutrition industry is geared for people looking for a quick way to lose lbs in a pill, bulk up by taking a shake, etc. GNC and others make a killing off the normal person walking in the store that is not educated on what it takes to get results--dedication and diet. But again, majority of people (like myself) in the working world don't go and eat a chicken breast and some nuts for lunch and cook one salmon filet for dinner--it doesn't happen.

I agree with you if you can do your meals like that then you don't need whey but it's a good way to get extra protein.

You hit the nail on the head with the first part. People are looking for a shortcut. Look at the people who believe a new stick will make them shoot harder or new skates will make them faster. It's not about hard work or putting in time to make something happen.

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