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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tapered Blade in broken Zbubble?

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Lastnight in drop in I blocked the d's shot with my stick, hit about 3.5" and snapped off with my blade. My question is, it left the entire tapered area of my shaft intact. Would this allow me to use a tapered blade and stick in an end plug to make up for lost length? Or at this point am I just screwed and will have to get another stick? I already plan on getting a couple Dolomite 2-Pieces but I don't really have the cash right away and dont feel like going a while before playing again.





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I thought that zbubbles were standard? are you talking about the place where the zbubble caves in a little? If you are, then you would be better off cutting lower, flipping the shaft and getting a longer butt for the end that the blade used to go in. The concave part of the zbubble is the weakest part and I wouldn't trust a tapered blade in it.. I imagine it would snap like a twig.

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i did it with old z--bubble the green ones i put a sr synthisis blade in it about right where you broke it and i've been using it as aback up and once in a while at practice it has held up pretty good

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I thought that zbubbles were standard? are you talking about the place where the zbubble caves in a little? If you are, then you would be better off cutting lower, flipping the shaft and getting a longer butt for the end that the blade used to go in. The concave part of the zbubble is the weakest part and I wouldn't trust a tapered blade in it.. I imagine it would snap like a twig.

theyre tapered but flare open for standard blades

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I have made a T-Bubble (using T-Flex blades), but a short-hosel tapered shaft should fit snugly in there also. You just have to clean off the break.

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