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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Big skate tongue

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are the tongues on fedorovs skates really that much longer than normal graf tongues?

i always just thought it was the way he had then bent forward that made them look big.

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you know im not really sure if there all that much bigger, they might be a little bigger but he doesnt lace up his last eyelet on his skate so i could see how that would make it look bigger. although when hes playing the tongue seems to look pretty big.

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I've seen a number of pros with the longer tongue. I'd guess it's 4 inches longer, give or take.

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well what im saying he keeps his shinguards in side his tongue and the tongue flops up and down when hes skating its really weak. i dont know if you got that the first time or im just misunderstanding you.

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