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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NEw gloves

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I already searched and i couldnt find anything So I am wondering how i can break in my new eagle gloves they are very stiff and im wondering whats the best way to get them moving with out playing hockey.

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When my old sherwood were too stiff (I didn't perticually like them and i wouldn't reccomend it with eagles) i used to bend the fingers all the way back and do the same with the thumb, i'd also scrunch the hell outta them kinda like a stress ball and it really helped

Now i can swear at the other bench with ease! :)

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Since when are Eagle's stiff?

You could try preheating your oven to 175 degrees:

Then use a cookie/baking sheet.

Then put a damp dish towel on the baking sheet and then put your gloves on the baking sheet into the oven for a minute or two untill they are are heated abit.

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would the heat affect the Proglo material

It shouldnt if you do it right. Just watch them carefully. The damp towel keeps the gloves from burning.

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Since when are Eagle's stiff?

You could try preheating your oven to 175 degrees:

Then use a cookie/baking sheet.

Then put a damp dish towel on the baking sheet and then put your gloves on the baking sheet into the oven for a minute or two untill they are are heated abit.

They probably dont have split fingers.

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Since when are Eagle's stiff?

You could try preheating your oven to 175 degrees:

Then use a cookie/baking sheet.

Then put a damp dish towel on the baking sheet and then put your gloves on the baking sheet into the oven for a minute or two untill they are are heated abit.

Even when they're broken in the models with one piece fingers feel stiff to me. I prefer the two piece fingers and that used to be a custom option. I haven't tried any of the new ones to see how they feel.

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Since when are Eagle's stiff?

You could try preheating your oven to 175 degrees:

Then use a cookie/baking sheet.

Then put a damp dish towel on the baking sheet and then put your gloves on the baking sheet into the oven for a minute or two untill they are are heated abit.

They probably dont have split fingers.

Yeah but most eagles w/out split fingers already feel more broken in compared to gloves w/split fingers.

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Since when are Eagle's stiff?

You could try preheating your oven to 175 degrees:

Then use a cookie/baking sheet.

Then put a damp dish towel on the baking sheet and then put your gloves on the baking sheet into the oven for a minute or two untill they are are heated abit.

They probably dont have split fingers.

Yeah but most eagles w/out split fingers already feel more broken in compared to gloves w/split fingers.

no they don't

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Since when are Eagle's stiff?

You could try preheating your oven to 175 degrees:

Then use a cookie/baking sheet.

Then put a damp dish towel on the baking sheet and then put your gloves on the baking sheet into the oven for a minute or two untill they are are heated abit.

They probably dont have split fingers.

Yeah but most eagles w/out split fingers already feel more broken in compared to gloves w/split fingers.

no they don't

Mine did, maybe i just lucked out.

Probably shouldve said they feel more broken in compared to some gloves with the split fingers.

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pry the fingers back to the wrist and stick each one in a vice overnight

buddy of mine did this to his eagle x70's and they were butter soft.

didnt have to with my xxx's


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When i got my new mits, i wore them to bed every night.... and most of the time i still do. This is 2 months ago i bought them.

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On this same topic, how do you keep the leather in the palm soft?

My gloves are starting to get a little course when dry... of course when I sweat in them, they soften up, but I'm worried about them drying stiff.

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When i got my new mits, i wore them to bed every night.... and most of the time i still do. This is 2 months ago i bought them.

that is almost scary...sleeping with dirty smelly hockey equipment on...

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When i got my new mits, i wore them to bed every night.... and most of the time i still do. This is 2 months ago i bought them.

that is almost scary...sleeping with dirty smelly hockey equipment on...

They were brand new. Haven't used them yet.

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Yea my eagles were a little stiff when I first got them and I wore them around the house a few times and just played some games in them and they got softer. Or you could put warm water in the cracks of the glove. Supposable this will help. Although I do not understand that process.

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With gloves like HGT's that don't need much break-in, I grab a couple of large water bottles or 32oz Nalgenes and leave them enclosed in the glove hands for a day or two.

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When my old sherwood were too stiff (I didn't perticually like them and i wouldn't reccomend it with eagles) i used to bend the fingers all the way back and do the same with the thumb, i'd also scrunch the hell outta them kinda like a stress ball and it really helped

Now i can swear at the other bench with ease! :)

This is probably the best way. I've used this method to help sell gloves when customers (especially kids) think a new glove is too stiff.

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