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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ONE90's and LS2 holders

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If i decide to get the ONE90s I want the LS2's put on for sure, will they line up perfect with the new LSs? It may seem stupid and i know its not a fashion show but it dont like the look of the new LS they look cheap. Also how much of a weight difference will there be between the two holders. Thanks.

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ya im sure i wont be able to notice, now i hope the shop here can do a good job, changing holders is probably pretty routine right?

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whats the main benifit of the new LS's compared to the LS2? they looked alright but i really like the LS2

Longer runner(more blade on the ice...3-4 mm i believe) It is supposed to give you more glide on your stride...theres quite a bit of info if you search.

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whats the main benifit of the new LS's compared to the LS2? they looked alright but i really like the LS2

Longer runner(more blade on the ice...3-4 mm i believe) It is supposed to give you more glide on your stride...theres quite a bit of info if you search.

Longer steel doesn't matter without the longer radius

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I know this has probably been asked about before but I will ask again anyways... Can you just swap out the runner if you don't like the longer runner or are the LS2 and LS2 Power holders different as far as securing the runners go?

If you can't switch out the runners then wouldn't it be cheaper to have the LS2 Power runners profiled to match that of the regular LS2 runners?

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I know this has probably been asked about before but I will ask again anyways... Can you just swap out the runner if you don't like the longer runner or are the LS2 and LS2 Power holders different as far as securing the runners go?

If you can't switch out the runners then wouldn't it be cheaper to have the LS2 Power runners profiled to match that of the regular LS2 runners?

Matt..will have an answer for you tomorrow.

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If you mean can you put an LSP Blade in a LS2 then i would think it'd be no, because the holder is longer

From my understanding of the LS2 Power holders it's not the holders but the runners that changed in length. Obviously the holders are made up of some different materials to make them a little more solid but their overall length I believe is the same as the LS2 holders. If the holders are the exact same size then I was just curious as to whether they would accept the older LS2 runners without an issue. This may allow players that have LS2 runners on their current skates to use the older runners until they adjust to the new boots. Then the player can swap back out the runners and try out the LS2 Power runners.

JR thanks for checking in to this.

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It would be nice if you could put the LS2 steel in the Power holder...I've already heard from some that it felt like skating on skies with the Power Steel.

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I tried this with my sons One90s and it appears that there is a "slight" difference in the to pieces of steel. That being said the ls2s fit right into the ls power holder. I'm not sure if its a perfect fit or not. I will wait for JRs advice on this.

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Ok, just got back (3 days earlier) from my vacation that will never find my top 10 list, same place every year just did not get a break on the weather this year.

1st off, I strongly suggest that the new holder is taken off, the holes will not line with the LS2 power up 100% if you put on a LS2, I have no idea if other holders will and have never looked into it. Even a good shop would have a tough time, general ruls is some rivet holes may align close but it is highly probable that the original hole will be inlarged in certain areas of the outsole and your key interface base..... which may cause a weak point structurally.

The steel of the LS2 and LS2 power are in fact very close but are not identical, so is the dimentions of the holder, both are unique,,,, there some sizes that will come very close to fitting,,,,,to tight or too loose, not good, which may cause issues..... I strongly suggest that SS stays with each holder model.

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Thank you skates. I, like JR, have been busy with stocking 2nd deliveries of booking product and re-arranging the shop. And I wasn't about to destroy a pair of LS2 Power holders to get the answer we already knew: the steel is different!!

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Chris - where did you go?

No, Peter...my shop looks like a nuclear bomb hit it. We completely redid the store. I'd say about 3 more days and it'll be operational.

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