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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Sullivan fired

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He never should have had the job in the first place. You really should have more years as a coach before you get a head job in the NHL. That isn't really his fault though.

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YES! Finally! Now if they could get rid of Jeremy Jacobs, but that won't happen until Jacobs dies...

Let's see who the Bruins have gotten rid of in the past 3 months: O'Connell, Raycroft, Boynton, and now Sullivan. So far, so good. Now if they could actually get someone, I already know the Bruins are good at cleaning house <_<

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3 good moves in a row for the Bruins! Are they finally getting serious about winning????

Dang I have died and go to heaven ... so far :)

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3 good moves in a row for the Bruins!  Are they finally getting serious about winning????

Dang I have died and go to heaven ... so far :)

It seems almost to good to be true :rolleyes:

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