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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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warrior products

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Warrior has had a bad rep over the years in lacrosse as well. See http://www.e-lacrosse.com/2004/spin/snorrior.html They were bought by the New Balance shoe/sporting company back in 2003 and Innovative was bought in 2005 to bring the hockey line to market. I have experience with their lacrosse gear. The quality of their products is now fairly good, but they are way overpriced on many of the items. Other items are total crap IMHO. They have a big marketing push that generally gets every player frothing at the mouth to use their most expensive products. They also have had a questionable reputation in regards to their competition, and the blatant ripoffs of their products.

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The catalog is a joke, virtually no specs on anything.
I hate companies that try to convince the consumer that their product is cool and not that their product is better.

Are you guys saying that you prefer other companies because their catalogues provide bogus perfomance ratings and their ads tell you they use aerospace technology? Are marketing statemets such as "The new Warrior Mack Daddy is the best stick on teh market, bar none" (as seen on puckhoghockey.com) any more informative or truthful?

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The catalog is a joke, virtually no specs on anything.
I hate companies that try to convince the consumer that their product is cool and not that their product is better.

Are you guys saying that you prefer other companies because their catalogues provide bogus perfomance ratings and their ads tell you they use aerospace technology? Are marketing statemets such as "The new Warrior Mack Daddy is the best stick on teh market, bar none" (as seen on puckhoghockey.com) any more informative or truthful?

Catalogs are supposed to be for shops and employees. Without useful information to educate shop employees they're just crap to me. I also think statements like the "best stick on the market..." thing are moronic and asinine. It shows that some people just try to cash in on hype and not help players find the best stick for them. The problem is a lack of information from a manufacturer leads to pathetic sales pitches like that.

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I can't speak for other stores, but I can tell you why the LHS I work at won't carry warrior products. Innovative has always been and still is the biggest pain in the ass to deal with. They must teach their employees to be miserable pricks. We decided to give the warrior line a chance even though we had not done business with innovative for a long time because they just don't seem to care about their customers. To make a long story short,warrior isn't selling that well and innovative is still a pain in the ass so we decided it was not worth it. A lot of LHS are probably having the same issues.

I had contacted Innovative a year or so ago with some questions and I have to say that they were nothing but great with me. I guess thats one reason I'm still a fan of their products. That being said, I have had no experience with the folks at Warrior yet.

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