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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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mission stick

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i was just lookin through epuck.com and i saw a mission stick that i have never seen before and its called the model axis ops but it has mission graphics on it any information would be great guys thanks

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Do I think a $69 sr OPS is good quality? I don't see myself ever using one and nobody knows anything about the durability.

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ok i was unsure do u think it will be quite good quality ...like too good to be used for practicing outside at my goal ?

If your talking about using it outside to shoot on the pavement at your goal or something like that the blade wouldnt last to long.

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I'd rather use a $69 stick outdoors than a $160 one. Axis is the new Z-1. They cheapened it up even more to sell high volume.

My friend has the statement series (pink) mission stick, it's basically a painted Z-1. Not too bad of a stick, but the blade is a bit soft.

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Axis is a new stick for us. It is a 60% Carbon / 40% fiberglass construction. Z-1s are 100% carbon. The stick is a tank! We can't break it during our normal qualification testing. It would be a great stick for outdoors.

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if your playing outside on pavement i say buy a shaft and go buy a CCM Vector sumthing .0 i have one with a fiberglass bottom it has lasted me over a year now shooting pucks basically everyother day 200 pucks at a time. all it has done is the blade has gotten smaller.

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outdoor, definitely buy a shaft... something durable. Like a redlite or something.

I was using a redlite and an easton abs, now I have a vector v40 in it(haven't played with it yet). The easton abs was good but it started getting really flexible and was messing up my shots. I think this v40 will stay stiffer longer.

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i already use a shaft for outdoors and it is ok for now but when the season starts again it becomes my back up stick so i dunno wat i shall do then so i was just wonderin about that stick i shall try using some of the baldes that u guys suggested tho cheers

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