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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Blue Tuuks

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Why would somebody want a pair of skates custom fit to him. Is your foot Exactly like his? j/k anyway they look kind of weird as far as skates go. I think I will stick with white, however the blue see thru (one90) looks pretty sweet.

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Why would somebody want a pair of skates custom fit to him.  Is your foot Exactly like his?  j/k anyway they look kind of weird as far as skates go.  I think I will stick with white, however the blue see thru (one90)  looks pretty sweet.

First of all they're not custom fit, they're just custom as in they have a different than stock holder. The international 77 was/is a low end skate and I highly doubt it could be ordered custom fit.

And I posted this because there are members interested in the blue tuuks. Note the tite of the post.

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I remember back in the early 1990's that blue Tuuks weren't all that rare at the NHL level. In particular, when Montreal won their last Cup in 1993 (what a fantastic playoff run that was!), several Habs had blue Tuuks on their boots.

I also remember back you used to be able to buy a pair of blue Tuuks at a LHS up in Surrey, British Columbia for about $20 less than black or white. I think they were trying to get rid of them since the "fad" for them was dying down.

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