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Pro Mid Toe curves

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I'm looking to break out of the Modano curve dynasty that has been my life for a couple seasons. From watching some pros shoot, I want to try a smooth, moderate mid toe curve, or at least find one, with a 5-5.5 lie. If any of you know: which pros use such type of curve and/or where to find one to asctually look at it and maybe buy it, please post.

Also, if anyone has experience with this type of curve, post how it has treated you and what you switched from. Bananahan users not wanted; thanks, but not my type...

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I have a Pro Stock Richard Park Dolomite which is a mid-toe, I got it at the equipment sale, and I havent had a chance to use it on ice yet, but i have used it out on my deck, where I shoot on a net, I like it so far...

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I have a Pro Stock Richard Park Dolomite which is a mid-toe, I got it at the equipment sale, and I havent had a chance to use it on ice yet, but i have used it out on my deck, where I shoot on a net, I like it so far...

isn't it like a 7 lie?

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I have a Pro Stock Richard Park Dolomite which is a mid-toe, I got it at the equipment sale, and I havent had a chance to use it on ice yet, but i have used it out on my deck, where I shoot on a net, I like it so far...

isn't it like a 7 lie?

i have no clue on the lie :wacko: It looks like it could be, but i'm not sure, its more than a 5.5 but i'm not sure on the exact number.

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I've been using a low lie mid curve for years. My favorite is the Guerin curve by Franklin, though they are hard to find nowadays. FWIW, Franklin made some great high end stuff before they gave up on hockey. Anyway, look around for them. Peranis might still have some if I haven't bought them all. A couple of alternate blades to look at are the Numinen curve by Montreal and the new Heatley pattern by Easton. I compared my Franklin blade to both of them and they seem pretty close; lie of 4.5-5, moderate mid-toe curve with slight open face.

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And of course the infamous Prospal:



That is new to this new guy.... Can you still get those or did you bend it yourself?

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That is new to this new guy.... Can you still get those or did you bend it yourself?

It's a Vaclav Prospal Pro Stock stick. I can get them from my lhs(sometimes) for like $100(depending on if it was used or not). Check on ebay for them.

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Marty Rucinsky (Left-handed and I saw some 9944PMPXs at Play-it-Again north of St. Paul, MN, weird I know...I think that's a lie 6 because I'm used to the Modo).

Kovalchuk--his pro pattern is reportedly the source of the Smyth Warrior curve. I've got one coming in the mail. It is a huge toe curve, but I've used curved Modano composite blades (it works but they don't hold up that well) and I'm hoping this is the perfect blade for me. I'm guessing it'll be about the same lie (Cheesehead says his Fedorov is a lie 5 and that it says it is on the hosel even though Warrior lists it, like the Smyth, at 4). If the Smyth works that could be a great direction to go because it's retail so it should be fairly reliable to find at least for a year or two.

Edit: I think Saprykin uses a huge toe curve. Morozov had a slightly less curved mid-toe curve and one of the sites selling pro-return Eastons had a couple of his sticks.

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What do you think the lie plays like? Does it feel like a 4 or a 5 or somewhere in between?

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Does anybody have a picture of the Smyth, directly above the blade, like the pictures above?

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What do you think the lie plays like?  Does it feel like a 4 or a 5 or somewhere in between?

Lining it up with an Easton Sakic blade.. The lie looks slightly lower. So maybe like a 5.

However I don't notice it when playing, likely due to the different rocker (although the Smyth has a hefty rocker of it's own).

I wouldn't really call the Smyth a pure toe-curve, but rather a mid curve. It's the closest thing in retail to a toe curve, though.

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