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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ice Hockey With Cars

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Top Gear

I don't know if this video has ever been posted before, but it's from a tv show in the UK that covers all different kinds of cars, but usually does really expensive ones. so when they got ahold of a bunch of cheap suzukis, they were able to beat up on them in a very unique way. enjoy.

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hahah awesome!!

Top Gear as a show is awesome, they once took an old beat up Jaguar, put NOS in it and raced it against some super cars

and the Jag won :D

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Yeah, im from the states, but I've seen a lot of top gear clips online. It's awesome. they made some life-size remote control cars and actually put passengers in them, then went for a romp in the mud.

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yeah it was on the discovery channel every wednesday or something great show love the one where the Astin Martin beats the super train to Monacco from the studio

never saw that episode though really cool

makes me want to try it one day

nice find damn locust

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I liked the Episode where they tested the offroad capabilities of a Range Rover Sport by driving it while beeing chased by a Challenger Tank.

Tank won btw, but they gave it a run for it's money. B)

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