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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM V10.0 vs. Bauer one90

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Im looking at new skates and I am having a hard time making up my mind. These both fit really nice and was wondering if anyone knew some ups and downs of each model and what they would suggest. TIA

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I do but the reps tell me ohh you have to wear this skate and then I think I made up my mind and then the other rep tells me something else, so I change. Thats why price is not an issue im getting hooked up big time on either skate regardless of which one i choose. I should go with the v10 seeming that the rbk/ccm rep has taken great care of me, It feels like such a big decision....thats why i need other peoples advice besides reps. is switching from a tuuk to ccms holder going to affect my skating a lot or should it be an easy transition?

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Well I have never tried the vector series and I have always liked bauer, but the boots feel quite the same in comfort and I can get the ccms for almost nothing while the one90's would cost me about 120 more. I am just worried about the holders and steel, I see a lot of pros switching their vectors to tuuks, and I dont really feel like going through the hassle and money especially with a 500.00 skate even though i am paying way way less

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if you go with the ccm skate take the time and switch youe holders it'll make a difference well it does for me i will only wear a tuuk holder skate boot can b a little bit different.

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Well I have never tried the vector series and I have always liked bauer, but the boots feel quite the same in comfort and I can get the ccms for almost nothing while the one90's would cost me about 120 more. I am just worried about the holders and steel, I see a lot of pros switching their vectors to tuuks, and I dont really feel like going through the hassle and money especially with a 500.00 skate even though i am paying way way less

The new holder on the CCM is set up to be the same profile as the Tuuk and the holder is just as strong so there would be no reason to switch at all.

As for the Pros Switching some of that is the trainer as they dont want to stock to much extra stock if they dont have to. They will do what ever the player wants but the tuuk is the easiest to get the parts and holders and runners for so.....

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You are saying you like being on your heels with tuuks?? how many people with tuuks get heel lifts?? Yet they still say they like tuuks.....

9" rocker profiled ccm holder = tuuks with heel lifts RIGHT?

just my 2 cents

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You are saying you like being on your heels with tuuks?? how many people with tuuks get heel lifts?? Yet they still say they like tuuks.....

9" rocker profiled ccm holder = tuuks with heel lifts RIGHT?

just my 2 cents


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Well I have never tried the vector series and I have always liked bauer, but the boots feel quite the same in comfort and I can get the ccms for almost nothing while the one90's would cost me about 120 more. I am just worried about the holders and steel, I see a lot of pros switching their vectors to tuuks, and I dont really feel like going through the hassle and money especially with a 500.00 skate even though i am paying way way less

I felt a difference in the two actual holders. The e-pros just feel to bulky and stiff compared to the tuuks.

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Ahhhhh the holder discussion is going to drive me nuts!!! It's all between your two ears. Even the pros get the holders switched without a particular good reason and trust me on that I've asked one hell of a player. IMO you will have no problem switching to the new holders and steel.

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Ahhhhh the holder discussion is going to drive me nuts!!! It's all between your two ears. Even the pros get the holders switched without a particular good reason and trust me on that I've asked one hell of a player. IMO you will have no problem switching to the new holders and steel.

at last sumone who gets my point

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Ahhhhh the holder discussion is going to drive me nuts!!! It's all between your two ears. Even the pros get the holders switched without a particular good reason and trust me on that I've asked one hell of a player. IMO you will have no problem switching to the new holders and steel.

For me it's about the quality of the steel and the stiffness of the holder. Pro lites would bend when I turned hard or stopped quickly and they broke if you ever thought about blocking a shot. Cobras tend to bend easily, as do Tuuk LS.

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And the other guy on top is saying that they are to stiff and bulky haha! I tell you, it's all in your head IMO. The Holders are tested extensively and have no durability issues compared to tuuks. I won't go further, It's already a lost cause ;)

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And the other guy on top is saying that they are to stiff and bulky haha! I tell you, it's all in your head IMO. The Holders are tested extensively and have no durability issues compared to tuuks. I won't go further, It's already a lost cause ;)

Nobody mentioned the pro lites being bulky or heavy and they were anything but durable.

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I felt a difference in the two actual holders. The e-pros just feel to bulky and stiff compared to the tuuks.

Hmmm yah ok ;) Nobody.

I'm going to stop here, there's no solid arguments to keep arguing.

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And the other guy on top is saying that they are to stiff and bulky haha! I tell you, it's all in your head IMO. The Holders are tested extensively and have no durability issues compared to tuuks. I won't go further, It's already a lost cause ;)

Ok so you think i would just spend 100 dollars bc the problems in my head...no. And I dont mind having to break one blade then skate on something that doesnt feel right.

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I felt a difference in the two actual holders. The e-pros just feel to bulky and stiff compared to the tuuks.

Hmmm yah ok ;) Nobody.

I'm going to stop here, there's no solid arguments to keep arguing.

I can't believe they hired you if you don't know the difference between pro lites and e-pros.

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I do but the reps tell me ohh you have to wear this skate and then I think I made up my mind and then the other rep tells me something else, so I change. Thats why price is not an issue im getting hooked up big time on either skate regardless of which one i choose. I should go with the v10 seeming that the rbk/ccm rep has taken great care of me, It feels like such a big decision....thats why i need other peoples advice besides reps. is switching from a tuuk to ccms holder going to affect my skating a lot or should it be an easy transition?

Can you get both skates? I would just get both of them if they were heavily discounted to you.

Just say you couldn't make up your mind and needed to test both of them. B)

and then come back with your decision on the difference in holders later.

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Just a simple mistake late at night. I do know the difference between the both and I'm not the skate designer.

No needs to get rude man, I'm just telling you guys my opinion.

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