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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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im lookin to buy a new pair of skates for the upcomin season

rfor the past few years i hav skated in a pair of vapor 15s but im lookin into getting a little better of a skate but i dont want to spend a crazy amount of money i play AA and high school hockey

i would like to stick with bauer but the new xxxs are a lot of money

im thinking of getting a pair of 8090s or xx's

does anybody hav any better suggestions becuase i dont want to spend too much over 400 and would anybody know where to get a piar of 8090s or xxs thanks

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I'd call Danny from Larry's Sports Shop. Look them up at www.myhockeystore.com.

He's always been able to get me absolutely best deals around. He'd even call me back in Ukraine.

He beat Hockey Giant and Hockey monkey by over $100 on my last two purchases of skates.

His site is not current though and I don't think they really equipped to handle online orders. But you can call him or e-mail and he will call you back. And huggle with him too.

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Danny's a good guy. He'll definately take care of you. I'll never buy gear anywhere else again!

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Don't buy the XX's or XXX's. Go with the 8090's. It's a much better skate and a better fit. More of a traditional Bauer skate similar to the Supreme line. They are very durable and will last you a lot longer than the aformentioned two. ;)

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Don't buy the XX's or XXX's. Go with the 8090's. It's a much better skate and a better fit.

Better for you maybe. It's not better for everyone.

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if you get 8090's the blade on the holder snaps quick friend of mine went through 2 sets of blades not even a season n then decided to go back to the tuuk custom+

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if you get 8090's the blade on the holder snaps quick friend of mine went through 2 sets of blades not even a season n then decided to go back to the tuuk custom+

that was the first gen lightspeeds, the 2nd generation lightspeeds are much stronger so if a blade breaks what would replace them would be lightspeed 2s.

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The XXs and 8090s fit different, so get the one that fits you better. 8090s might be hard too find in some sizes since they are no longer made.

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Your best bet is probably the Vapor XX's from Hockey Monkey. They'll fit almost exactly like your XV's and were Bauer's top of the line not too long ago. The only drawback I see with them is that they are not the "latest and greatest." If image isn't important, and performance is, then you can't go wrong with them, especially for the price.

If you're looking for the newest thing then check out the new Bauer Supreme70's, which are right around $400. They look much like the One90's and have the same LS2Power holder/blade combo. They are going to be a little wider than your Vapor XV's, but the length should be about the same, although depending on how your XV's fit you may have to go down a 1/2 size. If your LHS doesn't have them yet they should be coming soon.

I recently got XXX's because my LHS didn't have the 70's in my size and I didn't want to wait a month for them to order the 70's in my size. If they had my size I would certainly have gotten the 70's and saved $70. (long story on why I didn't/couldn't order them online, see my post here.)

The other option you have is eBay. You might be able to find some XXX's for the right price there. I've seen them right around $400.

Good luck.

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yea thanks for all of the advice i wear ee 8.5 xvs and i had no problem with them but i used them for 2 good years and the boot is real broken in and yea i went throguh 2 sets of blades with the lightspeeds but yea i hav to try on 8090s and see if i like the fit

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