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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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z-bubble vs. Inno 1100

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I have this dilemma in which I am going to either buy an inno 1100 or a z-bubble. I know almost all of you guys will say that the 1100 is by far a better stick. I am kinda strapped for cash but I can probably get the z-bubble brand new for like 100 CAN but the 1100 is going to cost about 150 CAN plus tax and whatnot. Have any of you guys tried both of these shafts and what's your take on it?

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the 1100 is much better on 2 levels, first it's much more durable than the z-bubble,also the performance is much better IMO, but i think alot of people on this board will agree with me...

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well if you are strapped for cash go with the zbub, but if you have the cash, the 1100 has awesome kick. if you are a big shooter like chadd and 43 it will tend to twist on you though. both are good shafts, i dont know if you can go wrong with either

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The z-bub is more of a love or hate kind of shaft. It provides great performance but people have said that it just feels different because of the focus flex. It's an acquired taste. I think it's a very good shaft.

I've never used an 1100 but the concensus is that it is one of the top shafts on the market. Great performer and great durability. Some have had durability issues with the z-bub but I haven't broken one myself.

I would get the z-bubble if you can get the flex that you want. Flex is very important so don't just look at the $50 price difference. Is the 1100 tapered? I would choose the 1100 if it was tapered and had the correct flex.

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Good point Kobe, flex is an important factor. inno doesnt come in exact easton flexes. here are the closest matches

Easton Inno

85 260=90

100 220=105

110 180= 115-120

im not 100% sure but i dont think 1100 come in 300 flex

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The Z-Bubble is brittle but better if you don't want a sandpaper grip on it.

The 1100 is the much better shaft but is prone to torquing open and has polarfibre, a real coarse-feeling grip on it. Also much more durable than the Z-Bubble, but that's not hard to do.

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I would just go with an Easton Ultra Lite or a TPS Redlite. Both are good performing shafts, very durable, and pretty inexpensive. Fairly light as well

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I like the z bubble, haven't tried the 1100 yet though. I, like a lotta people, like the tapered flex of the bubble. It's also nice to use standard bldes w/ a tapered stick, which is what the zbubble offers you(more selection, different curves, cheaper price). For 2/3 the price, I'd go with the z-bubble. I would, however shy away from the 110 flex since I've broken 3 in the last 3 months (one of the 3 was a 100)...they are pretty brittle as stated before. Try the 85 or 100 depending on pref./height/weight.

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For shooting I actually consider those two shafts more or less equal. I greatly prefer the 1100's feel though. The inno can also take a huge beating.

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I've used both of them a lot and they are both among my favorite shafts but I'd have to go with the 1100. Better kick and durability IMO. I broke my 1100's so at the moment I'm using a 110 Bubble Grip and it's been performing just fine but I still want to get a couple 1100's when I get some cash. If you can afford the 1100 I'd get it. But you can't go wrong with a ZBubbly either.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that my 1st 1100 lasted me 9 months and my 2nd lasted me 6 months and for what it's worth, the last Z-Bubble I broke lasted just over a month.

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1100 do come in 300 flex, I have one and it feels like an 80 flex. The shape of the shaft is something to consider as well. 1100s are either thin and very square (5) or really round (0).

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I prefer the Z-Bubble over the 1100, just because I have such distain for Innovative's ploarfiber

I HATE the sandpaper grip -but thats just me

It's possible to good shots with either shaft though

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I dont really have a problem with the polarfibre, it didnt affect my gloves at all. In fact, i needed more grip and wrapped some tape around where my lower hand would go.

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If you like the round shape of your Cyclone, this is pretty similar. It's essentially an Inno 1100 0 shape, too bad it's a 220 flex.

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I can get the 1100 in a 300 flex with the 0 shape and I seem to like the polar fibre. I already have an ultralite which I'm selling in like 2 days. I'm not too concerned with durability issues with my shaft since I've broken other people's shafts but for some strange reason, none of mine have broken. I weigh about 150-160lbs, 6', and usually have my sticks just underneath my chin for height.

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