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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wheel selection question

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I remember reading that certain wheels were better to have in the front/back etc. I think it was DavetheWave. Im getting sensors, what wheels are better for the front? I have some revisions right now, but only 4 so...

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generally, i go with softer wheels up front and harder wheels in the rear, but thats just me, theres a wheel company that has a wheel matrix that will help with selection depending on weight, im not sure if it relates to chassis setup though. its all personal preference in the end though.

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I followed Revision's wheel matrix for max grip for my weight (170) by using 72A Platinums front and back and 74A Golds in the middle. Seemed to work pretty well. After I started getting decent sized cracks in the back Platinums (they're soft which = good grip but they do wear down), I moved the gold 80mm wheels to the back spot. I still had good grip but not quite as much as before.

Rink Rat recommends using your softest wheel in the front, mid durometer in the middle positions, and harder (relatively speaking) in the last position. I just got 2 new Gold and 2 Bronze (76A) Revisions and I'm going to try the "tri duro" method in my game tomorrow. If I don't like it, I figure I can just switch the Bronze to position 3 and use the Golds on the back. We'll see.

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I've played with 74a wheels (Rink Rat blue flame) on the front and back, and 76a (Rink Rat mb816 green) wheels in the middle.

I weigh 155lbs and skate very hard & fast. (not just IMO) ;)

On Icecourt both wheels held up well. but usually we play on woodfloors (e.g. gymhals) and there the 74a wheels chunked pretty fast but the 76a (middle wheels) held up ok.

I got some labeda fitness wheels for the middle and moved the 76a mb816 wheels to the front and back positions and now they are chunking fairly mad.

The labeda fitness wheels don't give anymore than decent performance, but atleast they don't chunk. neither in the middle are front & back positions.

I could probably use 76a mb816's in the middle, but for the front and back are there any high-performances wheels that are very durable?

Thinking about maybe some high-durametor(wrong spelling yahyah..) Revisions?

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for wood, RR and Revision will get massacered (Sp?) as you have had happen to you. Hyper Formula Gs seem to hold up well as to wicked stickys

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Tri duro is an interesting concept. The only thing that bothers me is the that if you do it, you will most likely have 3 wheels/3 different colors. Your skates wind up looking like rainbows. In the manufacturers' attempts at getting people to see their wheels on people's skates, they have managed to turn the wheel market into Joseph's Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. I know it sounds stupid to care about color schemes, but it just looks stupid having a purple, blue and gold wheel on your skates. Make them one color!

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Kovy71: I know your a lot lighter than me, is it from PP or from seeing other players (or both) use them?

I'm thinking 74a would make your legs feel heavy, if one weighs more than you, by gripping so much to the floor?

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I haven't played on a faster indoor surface for a few years but I always loved playing in 72A Mr Stickys. I weigh 175 and always found the sacrificed speed worth the increased cutting ability and acceleration.

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