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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Synthesis Gloves

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I am looking for new gloves in the $60 price range and saw the Easton Synthesis gloves in my Ocean hockey catalog and was wondering if anyone has tried them and what they thought of them. I would also like to hear what other gloves you would reccomend for around $60.



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do you mean synergy gloves? im getting a pair of them also. they look aweosme.

i just got a pair of those this weekend. they are awesome.

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They dont have them on their website but they have them in the catalog they sent me. It has a little bubble that say THG (The Hockey Group) next to the picture.

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They dont have them on their website but they have them in the catalog they sent me. It has a little bubble that say THG (The Hockey Group) next to the picture.

That's an SMU model only made for shops that are part of "The Hockey Group". Good call Joshy.

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