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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone want to trade a red paperclip?

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yeah that was in the paper here a few months ago.

unbelievable eh?

EDIT> this might be a different guy. the one that was in the paper was from somewhere in Quebec and ended up with a beachhouse in California.

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Yeah I heard a story of a guy last getting rent for one month on a house in Phoenix.

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Cool. Uh, I have 1/2 a roll of black stick tape. Anyone want to trade for a Ferrari?

I'll give you a full roll of clear tape :rolleyes:

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Cool.  Uh, I have 1/2 a roll of black stick tape.  Anyone want to trade for a Ferrari?

1/2 a roll? Sure! :o Here's a pic of my Ferrari, could I get one of the tape? :rolleyes:



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a paper clip? umm I have an old palm pilot, what can I get for that? a ferrari, a porsche, a snow globe and a beach home in malibu!

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Well it just happened. He has traded a role in a major motion picture for a house in Kipling, Saskatchewan. Pretty impressive, about 10-12 trades and he worked from a red paperclip to a house.

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My friend actually did this, and he also started with a paper clip. I was really suprised when he told me, but now after seeing this thread, Im sure he got the idea from there.

He started with a paperclip, got 25 cents, bought a sticker or somethin, got $1 then got a battery..........

He ended up with a $500 car from an auction.

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hmmm.. i just found two paper clips and a rubber band.  :ph34r:

That's nothing, i just found a Shark- tooth necklace B)

i'll trade you! :lol:

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